The Trouble Maker
Just before the end of my session with you, the name Theresa came up. Neither Sue nor I had ever come across that name on either side of our family trees. You said perhaps she was a sister-in-law once or twice removed and that she was a troublemaker. We had no clue to as who this could be! We thought that you were totally wrong with that part of the session. The following day, I went to visit with another cousin, once or twice removed (Our grandmothers were sisters.).
Less than a minute after arrival at her house, I produced the family tree to clarify the name of one of her grandparents and glancing at the list of our great uncle’s children she said; “Oh! Wait a minute! There’s someone missing! Where’s Theresa?” Then after some thought she said; “Well perhaps, now come to think of it, she may have been Thora’s sister-in-law, she was quite a very difficult person!”
The Dancing Reverend
The first time I saw Reverend Steve Hermann was at a Spiritualist church in Westbrook, Maine. I thought to myself. “He seems so young, what can he know?” He certainly looked overdressed for the Maine blue jeans and “causal look” crowd. He wore a dark navy blue suit and tie and seemed very prim and proper. Yet there were more people than usual at church that night, so I figured he must be good. His sermon was good, with lessons well beyond his years.
Later during the spirit messages, he looked right at me and said; “The woman in the back…there is a grandmotherly spirit here who looks a lot like you, only smaller, more diminutive. She loved music, actually dancing…”As he said this, the young Reverend lifted his arms to his sides like an eagle soaring, got a glorious look of radiant joy on his face and used those long-legged navy blue trousers to kick his legs high in the air like the Rockettes! I recognized my grandmother’s dance steps up on the alter immediately. She taught me those high kicks in her kitchen at home along with the Charleston, tap dancing and many other dance steps. She had that same look of joy on her face while she taught me.
The Reverend had never met me and couldn’t have known that my grandmother looked like me, only four inches shorter, or that she danced in a chorus line back in the early twenties. That chorus line was what she was remembering when she danced in the kitchen. She loved to dance so such that she passed along the love of dance to her female descendants.
My mother, her daughter, exhibited ballroom dancing on television. Her older daughter taught country line dancing. I am a contra dancer and my daughter does ballet. Her other granddaughter became a professional dancer at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. She auditioned for a full-time job and danced better than 260 other dancers to win the dancing open. I don’t remember my message that night. It made sense at the time. What I will always remember, however, is the look of joy as my grandmother’s spirit used the Reverend’s body to do a few more high kicks here on Earth, probably dancing to angelic music that only she could hear.
Edith Bunker
I found my experience with Steve Hermann to be rewarding, although I di d not know what to expect upon my arrival. After explaining the procedure to me, I had a feeling of being very comforted. He said a prayer assuring the safety of our meeting with the other side. I felt ready by this point. Almost immediately, he was communicating with people in the spirit world. Many people I knew came through during the session. I would like to share the most incredible ones that communicated with me.
Steve first started describing a woman who was coming through as a mother figure. He described her as being a timid nervous person, who did not get out of the house much. He started to describe her home life as being a caretaker to her family and someone who was always there to do you a favor and never thinking of herself. He explained that she was a person who keeps many secrets for others, someone you can trust. He, also, described objects in her home such as a fake bowl of wooden fruit on a coffee table, the sound of music playing and a sense of her playing it.
From the description that Steve was providing, I recognized this woman as being my deceased mother. I could not help but wonder though as he went on talking about how she felt. This was very strange to me because the fact is that my mother never talked about how she really felt. Yes, she would say that she didn’t feel good or go on about a bad day, but never complained about her personal feelings.
Steve went on by saying detailed information about how she had wished that she had had more fun in her life, how she wasn’t happy in her present situation, which there was no way out of anyway, and how she never did much for herself to be a happier person. Her feelings about how she was always there for us but in a way of only assuring us that everything would be okay. Steve described her way to relating to people was often to offer them cookies or ice cream when they came to visit us. He said that she knew now that she wasn’t there for use the way she could have been. Through Steve she said that was very confused in this life.
Well, I was very intrigued by all this information, seeing how I had just had a conversation with my sister Linda a week before, who spoke to me about the same thing. She had asked if I felt Mom was there for us. She asked me, if Mom had ever explained anything about sex, bathing properly, school work and many other things mothers typically do. I had to stop and think, and admit that as a mother she hadn’t done those things. It was clear to me listening to Steve bring her through that what she was saying from the spirit world was to help me see things from her point of view. She wasn’t a happy person and she was very confused about what life had done to her.
The thing that really convinced me was when Steve said to me that she was portraying herself as an “Edith Bunker” personality, and that he was picking up this name from her. I never knew this before, but after talking to my sister and telling her about this, she gasped and said that she almost fell off the floor when I said that name to her. Little did I know, because of living a hundred miles away that this was her nickname for the longest time. My niece Nancy had started it and it stuck because it was a fitting resemblance. Steve also mentioned that the person who she was connected to in this life was an Archie Bunker type of personality. This sounded just like my father. So, this confirmed the story I was told by my dear Mother. God bless her. After putting this information together, I had a truer understanding of how my Mother really was, and I felt at peace that she came across to make me understand the reasons to all the questions that I had been asking about her. I felt this session brought a sense of understanding to my sister Linda as well.
The next person that Steve brought through was a male figure who portrayed himself as an elderly grandfather type. I have never met either of my grandfathers and my parents didn’t talk of them much at all. Steve said; “There is a man here, who sees the whole situation in a family dispute.” He first described the man as being a large man with big stocky hands, a hard worker and a great negotiator. His described his clothing as being a suit jacket with an old fashioned button up vest. He went on to say that this man was watching over me and helping me with a family situation. All at once Steve said that the room was filling up with cigar smoke. I was very confused by all of this, except I knew that there was a family situation at the time that was pulling the family apart. I guessed that this man must have been guiding me somehow in ways that I didn’t understand.
That night my father called and I asked him many questions about my Mother’s Father. He didn’t have too much to say and it didn’t sound like the man who had come through anyway. I asked him about his father and he proceeded to say what a hard worker he was, what a big man he was and how he started many businesses in his day. He also confirmed the way he dressed. At the end of the conversation, he proceeded to tell me that he thought it was his heavy cigar smoking that had killed him. That was all I needed to near as I understood now that it indeed had been my Grandfather who had communicated through Steve’s mediumship that day. There were many other things that Steve brought across to me that confirmed his identity but these are the details that stand out in my mind.
I’m Sorry
Since the death of my parents I have been grieving not only both the loss of my mother and father but greater still the absence of affection from them in my childhood. Just before my visit for a session with Steve, I felt briefly that I wanted to know that my mother was sorry. Immediately, I felt really bad that I had allowed myself to think such a “wicked” selfish thought and I let it go quickly.
During my session with Steve my mother the “icy lady”, came through and said she was sorry; that she shut me away and that she deliberately kept me so poor in the midst of such plenty. She used the word “abuse” to describe her treatment of me. She showed Steve a white shaggy dog that was eating ice cream and leaving its paw prints everywhere. I was confused because the white shaggy dog is still living in the physical world. I believe from this that my mother was telling me that the dog go the very best of her love.
Then Annie came. At first I couldn’t think. Which Annie Steve was describing, but I remembered that my auntie Nancy was baptized Annie. She said through Steve that she tried to help me by her actions, but she couldn’t say anything to my mother. I instantly remembered the time Nancy came to visit. While she brushed my hair in front of the big round mirror in the dining room, she told me how “Very, very beautiful” I was and how I must be careful not to throw myself away. I had to lower my eyes from the mirror because the deep loneliness I felt was bringing tears to my eyes and I didn’t want her to see me cry. When I looked back from the reflection she was glowering angrily across the room at my mother. I knew she knew how badly I hurt and I knew she cared. Beyond my early childhood in Croatia, this was the only moment of affection I can remember experiencing. I guess the reason she said she was sorry and the reason that Nancy said that she tried to help me was so that I could use the memory of that feeling to begin my own healing.
What I don’t understand is why my mother would regret keeping me so poor. This is what I appreciate the most from my childhood. I am so unattached to material possession that I can live extremely lightly on this Earth completely unburdened by envy, or jealousy or feelings of material deprivation. I believe that spiritually this is the greatest gift she could have given me and I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for anything.
Two Aunts
The reading that I had with Steve was interesting, but it’s full impact occured and continued well after it was over. As I listened to the tape I made of the session, I began to understand connections I couldn’t have made during the reading. Steve described two people as aunts or great aunts. It was clear to me that they were my aunts. One became amazingly clear as Steve described her tendencies toward perfectionism and orderliness to the point of compulsion. He mentioned horses around her (she loved to ride, I am told) and the smell of apples and cinnamon around her as well. Her specialty was apple sauce and two of her brother-in-law’s used to fight over it.
Steve mentioned hearing the Sound of Music and I had forgotten that this aunt and I went to see the movie when it opened at Radio City Music Hall, and we sat through it twice. The music was something I listened to all the time as I was growing up.
Steve even mentioned her need for a “spotless” oven and again, after the reading, I recalled spending an entire afternoon in her apartment cleaning out the letter “HOT POINT” on her stove with a toothpick!
The most important information that Steve gave me, from her, was to do things in my life differently from the way she had done them; that she had learned and grown where is now and could see that certain of her “ways” were not really the best. I believe that this information has helped me to deeply transform some of my own behaviors and helped to free me from guilt in these areas. It’s hard to be specific, but I do feel as if I let go of a lot of my childhood “baggage” and now have “permission” on a deep level to be more of me. The messages from the other side definitely were instrumental in moving through an impasse in my work.
The other aunt that came through was described as being playful, accepting, nonjudgmental and with sweets around her (her husband was a baker!) and she encouraged me to move ahead in my life and not worry about “appearances”. Steve described her personality and when I relayed this information to her daughter (my cousin) she confirmed and validated things I hadn’t known-that she had loved music and that she was extremely supportive and never critical. I am still feeling the powerful support and guidance of these two women, and I am grateful for this help.
Father and Son
During the reading Steve was able to see my father and brother. My father had over 24 years ago. He was basically a good man, but he drank heavy. He had sexually molested my sister the worst. He had touched me and my other sister. I don’t know if he had touched my brother. My brother passed over two years ago. He had done a lot of drugs and was alcoholic, and died of liver cancer. There was a lot of hurt in my family. I was happy when you told me that my brother and father had come to terms with each other in the afterlife. It did my heart good to know this.You told me that my brother wished that he could have gotten to know me better. My brother and I stopped talking about 15 years ago. One and a half years before he died, we started talking. We didn’t have much time together, but now I know that I will see him again and we will get to know each other. I am very happy to know that my father and brother have finally made amends.
Thanks for the message the other day at church. It was very appropriate and addressed an issue that has been bothering me for a while. I’m grateful to have that stress reduced. Thanks so much.
John E.,
Colorado, USA.
April 5, 2023.
You saw a yellow submarine coming from my brother. Well yesterday I was driving and feeling sad because you said Larry was depressed after his suicide. Then I felt him say “Cheer up and look what you’re passing”…it was a yellow submarine!!!! It was on the back of a truck and was a fair ride that looked just like the Beatles Yellow Submarine!!! Thanks again,
Cassadaga, Florida, USA.
March 28, 2023.
Your reading was really accurate … it’s funny I remember now when I was little I used to sing standing on the table and imitate voices like in the cartoons something like that and when acting too… my best friend caught me once acting in the tub and she called me crazy .. and I wrote many horror stories and about my dad too and his hitman friend who is now dead..
Ruvelyn B,
February 16, 2023.
I wasn’t sure who it might have been, but my sister confirmed and then later my Mother both confirmed it must have been my neighbor when I was young. She babysat me and I was friends with her daughter. When she fell down her stairs and broke her leg one night (I was three or four), I woke up screaming and crying with horrible leg pain. She was a lifetime alcoholic and quite mean to her kids and husband. Very unhappy person. Thank you for bringing her forward.
Texas, USA.
October 29, 2022.
Thank you so much for that incredible session last night! It was so informative and by hearing the comments it totally struck home with those attending.
Your demonstration after the meditation was nothing I have ever experienced. It was amazing and deepens my desire to bring more of these events to our community to help spread the word!
I am so grateful and humbled that you are so willing to help our church and expand Spiritualism. We are very fortunate to have you and someone of your caliber so involved.
Massachusetts, USA.
October 29, 2022.
Thanks for the accurate reading you gave me Monday night. They are trying to get us in trouble for clocking out of work early. One of my colleagues confirmed that the front of the house people hate the dishwashers.
Dave T.,
California, USA.
October 19, 2022.
The “Channeling Higher Levels of Light” that Stephen Hermann taught yesterday was AMAZING! I was one of students on Zoom and I felt that we got every bit as much out of the class and possibly more… instead of one-on-one healing practice sessions the “zoomers” went in breakout rooms and did remote healing practice sessions. It was so powerful and emotional. This class and the information Stephen has taught us has given me tools to take my healing work to the next level. I am forever grateful!
Texas, USA.
September 3, 2022.
I have done a couple of readings with Steve, and he has been so accurate snd informative— it’s wonderful, healing and affirming. I have my own clear messages from my Dad, and Steve’s readings show me I am accurate in the signs I feel I’m receiving from my Dad. Steve doesn’t know the signs I receive and yet, Steve is able to call them out during the reading with complete accuracy.
I specifically like his precision in giving me very specific ways my Dad would communicate with me like he will move a slipper, “very soft shoe like a slipper is what he’s showing me.” Sure enough, a few days after the reading, a slipper was moved out of nowhere. I kept my Dad’s slippers in my bedroom.
Steve’s mediumship has helped me find some peace with my Dad’s passing and most importantly, a certainty we have the ability to communicate with our loved ones. There is no ending to love or “death.” I’m grateful for Steve’s confirmations in his readings and guidance.
Alexandra F.,
California, USA.
July 7, 2022.
Steve is very real and a passionate and awesome Mentor and a Master at Mediumship. I have been extremely blessed meeting him and having the chance to personally work with him teaching and using his techniques. I highly recommend taking the classes he offers!! You’re the best Steve!!
Connecticut, USA.
June 8, 2022.
Thank you so much for the amazing reading, I can’t stop listening to it.
Kristina J.,
Miami, Florida, USA.
June 3, 2022.
It’s an Honor to finally have the courage to thank you for your visit to Brisbane quite a few years ago. Now I’ve always regretted not speaking up when I was at the spiritual church in Brisbane where I came down from Toowoomba to see you with some friends from the Toowoomba spiritual church. I will never forget when you told us that there was a spirit that was a relative to one of people that had that night. A few people made claim it was most likely their relative but by from what I read you were not convinced that it was one of their relatives. However I froze and was very emotionally overwhelmed by the experience I couldn’t say I feel it’s my brother David who passed away from non Hodgkin lymphoma in November of 1998. Others have also said my brother is always around but for some reason I can’t witness what they do. I also want to thank you for for the wonderful healing I received from you while our group attended the seminar. Thanks again Steve.
Rob H.,
Toowoomba, Australia.
April 29, 2022.
Thank you for the message last church Sunday. You are very accurate. You mentioned me getting more involved with teaching and that looks to be happening. I have two classes going now – the advanced one because it has been ongoing and now two new students, I Also have two students who have just signed up for MPI training. I have requested an application to the new program at MPI as well.So keep up the good work, Blessing.
San Francisco, California, USA.
April 15, 2022.
My Name is Lucy. I saw you in Cassadaga. I bought your book and you helped me hear from my father. I later remembered that indeed he had given me some silver dollar coins. Very healing experience.
Florida, USA.
April 12, 2022.
Thank you so much for your help. Made a big difference. God bless you.
New Jersey, USA.
March 16, 2022.
Hello Stephen wanted to thank you for your mediumistic message from last evening at the Spiritualist church in San Leandro. Your message brought comfort and validation on a situation I been struggling with. Again, thank you so much…
Janet C.,
March 4, 2022.
Ontario, Canada.
Thank you for the message of yesterday.
I have a dear friend and caucasian woman born 1941 who died a few years who was a professor of sociology and worked at the State Department for many years. I am wondering if she was the one who came through yesterday?She was the only one who was close to me and very intellectual and possibly skeptical of mediumship.
Kwami N.,
Washington, USA.
February 26, 2022.
That was the first time I had a direct message(s). Previously, someone in a mediumship training group on FB had given me a reading and I had attended these huge virtual meetings with world-renowned mediums who only addressed a small handful of the participants. When using Zoom I get a little deer-in-the-headlights. Also, it is a bit stunning to receive such messages to begin with. So I had to process them a bit. Overall, things came through clearly.
The family friend would have been Linda, who lived with us at one point, was a singer, and did love jazz. She would have had a huge record collection as it was before the era of compact discs and so forth. But I was a child and don’t remember this part. All the music people I knew back then had a record collection and I remember going through them, so I know this part is true even if I don’t specifically recall her collection.
The only half-brother I knew was the one who was institutionalized when I was 8 or 9 due to severe autism and the poor understanding of the condition at the time. He did speak with a stutter and more… He never communicated normally while I knew him. He would either recite entire sermons from heart and such or utterly fail at actual conversation. I had heard that he eventually lived independently, although that was hard to imagine. I suspect he was quite brilliant inside that head no one had access to. I cared so much about him, so it was good to hear from him in spirit.
Then you mentioned the performer guy who was supporting me who must have been a guide. I have been praying for help to deal with my neighbors in this small community who do not accept me. And I have been hypersensitive my whole life, which people can sense and be discomfited by. Also, I have been working on trance but it scares me. And clairaudience specifically has been emerging during the Covid crisis, although I also am starting to experience more clairvoyance during meditation. A blue aura resonates strongly, and that would be hard to explain. All of this has been hard to develop since I come from a very religious background where mediumship was the work of the devil.
Edith W.,
Oregon, USA.
February 26, 2022.
Hi Steve I would just like to thank you … so so much for your incredible readings. My grandmother on my father’s side is my most favourite person I’ve known and was lost when she departed you gave me so much information, which I had been searching for I’m not sure that you would remember all of the contents of the readings, but you mentioned me writing books. I have a lot to write about and had started two books already, so it was great to hear I have the potential to go far with them. I have so much to thank you for including reaching out to me in the beginning. You are amazing and I’m so grateful to you !
Donna M.,
Melbourne, Australia.
February 25, 2022
Thank you for the message Sunday. It was accurate on all counts. The best message I have received in a long time.
Elsie S.,
San Francisco, California, USA.
February 15, 2022.
Thanks so much for reading for me during the Spiritualist service. It was totally unexpected, but welcome. Your message was so detailed that it left me with no question as to who was the spirit coming through. The first detail was about how this individual was showing himself “drunk.” That detail about my ex-husband, made it clear it could be no one else, but he, coming through–as I have no one else in spirit who had issues with alcohol. Though it was a sad part of our relationship, it was a reality, and certainly, clear evidence, that it was my husband communicating through you.
You mentioned how he and others he drank with used a special round recipient (I think you said it looked like a metal gourd that they drank from) and although I never witnessed this, it sounded likely to have happened, as I know he used to drink with his friends in social settings–in other words–he did not necessarily drink alone and I wonder if it may have been an item used in religious ceremonies of Santeria that he and his friends used to be involved in….
You went into great detail about his lack of responsibility in carrying through on his work assignments because sometimes he just didn’t want to be bothered. As he had a strong personality (not being one to put up with people if they pissed him off) and could be stubborn, I am sure this may have happened at times. And the mention that he lost a lot of work from not always being responsible- was right on. You even described how he carried a tool box. For his line of work (as a locksmith), he did carry a tool box. That his lack of income affected his family, who was often forced to bail him out- was totally correct. You mentioned his wife would have been much affected by this, and that was indeed accurate. I had to be the breadwinner and could not depend on him. You stated that he was apologizing for having been this way with his family, and in all fairness, I feel that he may have indeed experienced remorse over how he treated us now that he is on the other side- being able to see more clearly the effects of his actions.
You mentioned that he wanted me to speak to an older woman and tell her that he knew he failed to fulfill his promises. I don’t remember the exact words you expressed when you said this as the information coming through you was spoken fast. I normally would have gotten my voice recorder so I could leisurely listen to the message again later and catch anything missed, but as I said before, the reading was totally unexpected, and I wasn’t really prepared, and only took messy notes, which I can’t totally make out now. The gist was that I feel he was trying to apologize to his mother (older woman whom I still speak to once in a while) for all the times he let her down. He let us all down, and his acknowledgement of this came through clearly in the reading. At the end there was a mention of a young boy that he would try to help and I need not worry about….I think that is what was said. I was puzzled, as there is no young boy in my family’s life. I made a mental note and will see if this is revealed at a later time.
I am very grateful for the very unexpected reading. I was amazed at how much detail you gave- apparently so effortlessly, and so clearly. There is no doubt in my mind you communicated with my husband in spirit. I loved him dearly, but If I walk down memory lane, I still occasionally shed tears over what happened throughout all those years. Knowing he acknowledges his actions, and realizes apologies are deserved, is a welcome healing balm to my heart. Thanks so much for being a messenger from his world to mine.
Michelle W.
Tennessee, USA.
October 31, 2021.
When you were doing a reading for me a few years ago you brought through Muv, my great grandmother. You said you saw her in an apple orchard and she was holding an apple, she wanted me to have the apple. It turns out that if I had done as she had suggested I would have detoxed the aluminum a lot earlier. Apples are very high in malic acid which is the most effective chelator of aluminum! Now my detox system has become overloaded the other metals are building up in my system. I think I’ve learned to take note of what the spirits tell me now!
Jo B,
Massachusetts, USA.
August 22, 2009.
You probably don’t remember, but I am the woman in Sarasota whom you said there is someone here who is going to have car trouble tonight. Sure enough, I had a dead battery and your friends stopped and offered to help. I had already called my daughter.
Mimi M., Sarasota,
Florida, USA.
December 8, 2019.
Massachusetts, USA.
February 14, 2021.
I was so lucky to attend a mediumship reading circle where Stephen gave the group mini readings..When it was my turn he started giving evidential information about my Dad when he was younger specific details about his days in Germany and Vietnam.Then he said he wants to talk if a young man that he is very proud of and he started talking about flying in a plane seeing a map of the world past Nigeria ,looking at combat maps then I see Spain and he talked about the fountains,walking down the streets blending in with the locals,drinking and celebrating..I really didn’t know what he was talking about at that time..I thought maybe that was something my dad did that I didn’t know about and I thought I would give my mom a call the next day and ask her about it but the next morning my son called me from Spain he said they just rescued an American hostage from Nigeria last night and he couldn’t tell me of course beforehand but they were in Spain walking downtown looking at the fountains and everything they were doing was exactly in detail of what Stephen told me the night before,and as Stephen was talking of flying the plane and combat that was the same time as the hostage was getting rescued is was if he was there..I highly recommend Stephen as a medium and teacher..Thanks for everything
Bridget W.,
California, USA.
November 15, 2020.
I wanted to let you know that everything you spoke about with me , was right on the mark. My Dad is a very large man and I’m pretty sure that’s who you were talking about. He was always protective of me. I was a Daddy’s girl. Lol. Thanks again…
Trayce M.,
California, USA.,
August 30, 2020.
I was so grateful to be able to attend a session where Stephen was giving readings to a small group. I have attended a few of his classes and I knew he was a great teacher but I had never had the opportunity to see how he worked and I was not disappointed. My husband was very close to his mother and before I met him his mother had died in a tragic accident. I never met her personally but hearing about her for 27 years I felt I knew her well…Everyone in the family said if she was alive she would be wherever we were with her grandkids. They just don’t understand how right they were…I’ve been told by many people I resemble her and by other mediums that she works closely with me. Stephen described her with her big hair and her tanned skin not knowing she owned the tanning salon he even said Bridget you resemble her like I’ve been told. He then said this lady would not tolerate bad service at a restaurant she would embarrass you almost if the service was bad but if good she would go above and beyond. The night before my husband was telling the girls that their grandma might embarrass them at a restaurant almost word for word as Stephen said. He also said she leaves coins which I was told she leaves quarters to show she’s around and about a coin collection she left. Which my husband said was in his father’s house. Several other details were given which was spot on. As he brought through another lady which he said she was working with flowers but they were not native to California and she knew what to do to keep mites and insects away. Well he was right again, it was my husband’s aunt and the flowers were from Tennessee and she knew all the old remedies. He continued on next to speak of a man in a nice care facility or home but he was depressed and felt he didn’t have a voice. That man was her husband and right before Covid his daughter built a home by her but out in the country and had nurses come in but because of Covid and his health. He’s had to stay in with only the company of nurses and he’s very depressed. Stephen then described a man around me as a guide that works with me for healing. Again he described him exactly as he has been described to me several times before. Lastly he spoke of a friend around me that is jealous and manipulative and I have been told the same thing by several mediums over the summer. But before the meeting started I asked if that was true to give me a sign. So the reading couldn’t have ended more perfectly. I would highly recommend Stephen for a reading with his knowledge and many years experience as a medium and teacher you will not be disappointed..
Bridget W.
San Fernando Beach, Florida, USA.
August 29, 2020.
Hello, Toria and I both truly LOVED your class, and really look forward to working with you again very soon. Thank you for allowing us to work with you. It was amazing. Hugs.
Carmen D., Virginia, USA.
June 25, 2020.
I really enjoyed my time today with messages from Spirit and you! I’m inspired and deeply moved to have my family come through – my crazy Aunt, and grandparents. Your work is profound and thank you for generously answering my questions after the mediumship part.
When I thought of contacting Steve for a session, I didn’t know what to expect but I liked his energy and wisdom on his YouTube channel interviews and his experience teaching. By having a mediumship reading, I was brought close to the center of who I am in relationship to my loved ones. Not only was it like having a family reunion with loved ones, it was an energetic and powerful experience listening to Steve unravel the tales from my family and do it with rich imagery and information. Since that session, I feel calmer and have more peace about the next levels of growth in my spiritual life, which was a mega-bonus of the session!
What I valued most is that Steve didn’t dally in the session but instead gave rapid, quality information to give me a rich experience in the time allotted – a true blessing. It felt like going longer after the session wouldn’t be needed at all as he answered my most pressing concerns through the process of the session. I also like the information he gave me about my own development in mediumship, echoing what I knew to be true from my own guidance – it was powerful validation. Finally, I liked how personable Steve was during the session, striving to make my experience dynamic and potent.
I would highly recommend anyone get a reading from Steve, and give yourself time to reflect and connect the messages he shares with the loved ones in your life. I feel the right kind of person who could use Steve’s mediumship reading is someone who is hurting deeply for reconnection to the energy and essences of loved ones, and might need reassurance of their love or spiritual insights that can’t be gained by yourself alone. Thanks Steve. I’ll treasure the reading and I look forward to working together again.
~Chris M.,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
April 16, 2020.
Thanks so much. It was so accurate, I can’t even tell you.
Katie L.,
Miami, Florida, USA.
May 3, 2019.
Your reading about my AA friends who have passed on in the past 2 years ( 2 from cancer and 1 from leukemia) was spot on! You alluded to activities that particularly Jim had shared about after our closed meetings. We didn’t get to AA for singing too loud in the choir! Their actions regarding a fish tank was info which identified them to me as something I would only know and offered some solace knowing they had passed according to our beliefs.
We had our home group meeting on Friday nights with poker afterwards and your reading came precisely in that 7;30- 8:30 time slot.
Losing three close friends suddenly has weighed heavy on my heart and I was relieved to know they were still OK. Anyway I’m certainly not defending their actions, however as I said that night ,”that’s my crew!” Thank you again for your truthfulness.
Brian H.,
New York, USA.
April 19, 2019.

You helped me a great deal tonight. I’m not sure if you realize how much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Rhonda M.,
San Francisco, California, USA.
October 23, 2017.
In July, I had a private reading with you at Camp Chesterfield. The session was insightful and you captured the personality of my father. I truly appreciate receiving your book Medium Mastery and CD Clear Reflection. I have finished reading the book. It was wonderfully written and it kept me wanting to read more. The CD is soul healing, with the meditation and music combined. I feel blessed meeting you! You have great talent. I have been following your Facebook and upcoming seminars. I enjoy that your work is focused internationally! Many Blessings
Debora T.,
Indiana, USA.
September 10, 2017.
I finally finished transcribing our private mediumship session on the last day of the workshop. There is only one spirit, a Buddhist teacher, that I am still learning about. I wanted to acknowledge that you brought through an uncle, a grandmother, a great grandmother, and my mother’s cousin. During the session, I did not recognize the cousin, but the moment I started transcribing the notes, I knew exactly, exactly who it was. I then found out later that she had, of course, died long ago. I’m still internally processing all the information and guidance that came through during the reading. It has been a blessing and a privilege to be helped so much by those spirits and by the person who so eloquently and reverently gave them voice.
Sa’ana Q.,
Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
May 14, 2017.
I wanted to write write and personally thank you for your incredible energy and also for the blessing I received on Sat. I was blown away by your absolute integrity and honesty and also the connection of true spiritual energy you gave so willing. Having left Cassadaga with truth I felt liberated from some truly deep confusion regarding my own journey as a healer. It was a blessing meeting you and thank you again for all the beautiful spiritual energy on Sat. I feel truly blessed to have met you.
Christopher D.,
Gainesville, Florida, USA.
March 20, 2017.
I want to thank you for your very valuable help with my last session.
Enlightening & accurate, as usual ! I will be in touch. Best regards,
Jack D.,
Toronto, Canada.
December 1, 2016.
Thanks again for giving me that option and that trust. It allowed me to experience a reading with you, which is very valuable for me. I listened to it again and thought about it. Now a lot of things make sense and I recognised a lot of people you spoke about. Its really amazing that they came through, people I haven’t thought about for a long time. And also with my relationships you were very accurate and right, if I want to find a Partner, it has to be someone who is equal and we have to accept each other – with our flaws. I want to work on being more tolerant in that area. I knew there was something that held me back, and now I know what it is and can work on it. Thank you so much!
Bridget K.,
Hamilton, New Zealand.
November 30, 2016.
… years ago you did a reading for me at the Lakewood Spiritualist Camp. It was a wonderful reading and one I have never forgotten. I have shared the story with some of the people I have meant over the past years.
You had given me a reading and turned away to read for another, but came back to me. You said Native Americans were lining my path, and pleased with my spiritual growth. You told me, they were presenting me with a gift. I thanked you and you moved on. What you do not know is the next day my phone rang, and a Native American Elder, asked if I would be around. He had made me a talking stick, and had it blessed, and carried into the sweat lodges. Spirit had told him it was time for me to receive it. I thought you should hear that.
Wanda C.,
Maine, USA.
November 27, 2016.
Thank you, Steve. The reading was deeply meaningful on both a personal and a developmental level.
Diane P.,
Massachusetts, USA.
October 10, 2016.
I just wanted to tell you how right on your message to me was on Sunday night. At first I wasn’t sure who the man was because I was thinking too close. Something you said finally made me think of someone else and the minute my thoughts went that way you brought the dog and that was the clincher. I knew exactly who you were talking about. The lady, connected with the church was Edythe Meader. I don’t think you would have ever known her. She was from the church in Lawrence that later became Methuen. She was a very large but beautiful woman and a good old fashioned Spiritualist in the best sense of the word. My mother did her funeral I think back in the 70’s. I knew her quite well and have some vivid memories of her and her work. She was also very strong in her opinions of what Spiritualism was and what it wasn’t and never hesitated to “speak up”. It was great to hear from them both and also so good to see you.
Priscilla H.,
Salem, Massachusetts., USA.
October 5, 2016.
Just wanted to say thank you very much for the Spirit Reading which you did for me last Friday. You truly captured the essence of my parents and it’s good to know that they are “around.”
God Bless you and the service that you do.
In Light and Love,
Greer P.,
Toronto, Canada
October 4, 2016.
I could never thank you enough for that reading last Sunday. That was Amazing!
Denise S.,
San Francisco, California., USA.
August 28, 2016.
I would like to take a minute to thank you for this mornings reading. I was not sure who the man with military/airplane background was but then the “aha” moment came and now I know who it was. It was my boyfriend’s father who was in Air force, was fascinated by airplanes, he did not work on them but his mind was of an engineer. Mystery is solved,
Margaret G.,
New Zealand.
Just wanted to say thank you again. I really didn’t expect you were giving messages on Sunday evening. I had just come to hear you speak. I also don’t ever seek out readings so my loved ones probably had to persuade me there. It was a great experience to come to the church. My mother always comes through in readings, she’s usually the first in the room. You brought her through many years ago, very powerfully, at my home..We had just buried my dad this past Saturday so I wouldn’t have expected him to come through, but you described them perfectly together. Of course, I expected they are together, but it was still comforting to hear. Thanks so much for the reassurance.
Gail L.,
April 11, 2016., Massachusetts., USA.
It was so amazingly accurate and so evident it healed me in ways I never thought could be corrected. Trying to process this whole thing is beyond overwhelming. You helped me more then I’ll ever be able to truly express
April H.,
April, 2016, Florida, USA.
Thank you. Grateful to have opportunity to be with you…you are so gifted. Like someone who has walked beside me and a birds eye view into my life. Details exact. Left feeling in peaceful and hopeful. the room a bit peaceful and hopeful, and a nice visit from my loved ones (mom and dad) who have better than a birds eye view. You communicated their unique ways with me and their humor. I KNOW those were messages of love and guidance for me. God is Good. Even daddy has some self awareness since he’s gone to Spirit. He wants different for me. We were all one in the room for a moment in time one with God, love and light. Enjoying your book so much! Your a great writer, flows comfortably, and I smile at your well placed humor. I can tell I’ll be through it soon. Can’t put it down. Thank you for using your gifts to comfort and reassure.
Cindy M.,
March, 2016, Florida, USA.
Hi Steve I just wanted to say thank you so much for my reading yesterday. It out me at such peace and I will working tapping into my ability to be a medium. I will be purchasing your book and reading it to find it how I can use my ability to the most effective way. You have truly inspired me to start this path and go full force with it.
Genie L.,
March, 2016, Florida, USA.
I had an hour reading last year and year before. Your time with me resulted in lasting peace and comfort. A gift from the Holy Spirit, the words from the Spirit world are gentle reminders when I get discouraged.
March, 2016, Florida, USA.
It has been such a pleasure to work with you in person, and to see your demo last night! I have been thinking a lot about my personal reading, and it helped more than you may know! I learned a lot by watching you too, and love the compassion, respect, and warm demeanor you show when delivering messages :-)) Was an amazing experience, and I’m grateful for it! Thank you!!
Shannon W.,
October, 2015, California, USA.
Thank you so much for the remarkable reading. I want to relay that I found great peace and solace in this experience. I feel that I can wait for the answers that will come and I can spend the next few months healing myself both physically and spiritually. I am looking forward to using your CD to help with this healing. I will be in touch. Thank you and God bless.
Jody H.,
October, 2015, Massachusetts, USA.
Loved the reading in Onset. Four spirits in four sentences . Each recognizable. I’m smelling incense, my mother-in-law during hospice at my home, the medicine balls old athletic, my judo teacher. the athletic guy a little shorter than me my uncle and Charles my mother’s uncle.
Bernie K.,
June 10, 2015., Massachusetts, USA.
Magnificent Monday Everyone! What a Spectacular weekend! Story time: As many of you know I make it a policy of mine NOT to “Name drop” but I am making this ONE exception so I may share my GRATITUDE and experience with all of you…
I was on a “Advanced Mediumship Retreat” this weekend in Massachusetts facilitated by World renowned Trance Medium, Stephen Hermann. I have studied with Steve on several occasions and must say each time come away from the experience with a better understanding of Spirit communication and all that is involved including healing, grounding, sense of self, and more importantly confirmation of the who, what and why’s, even if you didn’t know you had these questions going in!!
But, THIS weekend was even more special as my son accompanied me for this first time (his idea).
My son received a healing on his Spine, now please understand – my boy has been to Several doctors throughout his life from the age of 6 years old, So many tests! X-rays, MRI, Cats scans, all showing nothing was wrong, physical therapy etc… Yet he was in pain – and all tests shows nothing.
After Stephen Hermann went into trance and a Spirit doctor performed psychic surgery, in which my son described as “feeling the bones in his spine moving- felt weird but didn’t hurt” and then went onto say, ” I felt what felt like he was stitching me up”…
All of us there witnessed this happening!
Later that night, at the hotel room as we were getting ready for bed Eli (my son) asked me to look at my back, I looked and to my amazement there was an “hole” – an indentation about size of of first part of your index finger that went pretty far in that WAS NOT THERE previously! In my excitement, I said to Eli, “C’MON”, and we went ran down the hall to 2 other women from the retreat, who were staying at same hotel with us to show them. Just to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was – Guess what – I was!!
They examined it as well as touched it etc..
The next morning was a bit chilly, I asked Eli to put the heat on – I wanted to see if he could get out of bed. Usually it is difficult for him to just get right up…
Without even thinking he jumped right up and turned the heat on, with out having issues with breathing, no pain nothing!
I looked at his back and that “hole” was gone!!!
Eli and I will be going back to the next one scheduled in August.
I tell this story because as I have been saying all along for years, G-d/Spirit is limitless Everyone! Believe guys! This is true evidence heart emoticon
I met the most amazing beautiful people this weekend, I will share some pictures…
To you my friend of many years Steve Hermann, I have said this many times,
Love and Light to you Steve
From my heart to yours
Beth E.
April 27, 2015., Connecticut, USA.
The workshop on Trance/Channeling was the best workshop I have ever attended! The guided meditations brought new sensations and experiences! I learned so much and I am looking forward to many more workshops with you!
Thanks You,
Janet M.
Phoenix, Arizona, May 5, 2015
I cannot thank you enough, as you have helped me see and feel spirit like never before. I am in you debt and I see my path more clearly. Thank you. Namaste. Love and light!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue K.
Phoenix, Arizona, May 3, 2015
I had a wonderful reading in Methuen last night. I enjoyed your humor and honesty..hope to spend time with you and friends in August in your training program. Thank you.
Jennifer W.
Massachusetts, USA., April 2015.
I was in your evening group in New Hartford last Saturday. There were two things I think may have been for me, and a third thing that was definitely for me. About a week ago I went for an oil change and the mechanic brought me under my car on the lift to ask what idiot put the zip tie on my steering arm bushing. The zip tie was broken and I could not say where it came from. He said not urgent but I should have the whole thing replaced some time in the future. He buttoned up the leaking assembly with a fresh zip tie and sent me on my way.
Saturday night in trance you described this exact situation and I knew it was for me. You may have noticed I left a little freaked out. I was not looking forward to driving home, as on the way there I noticed I had a headlight out and then I wondered how unsafe my wheel actually is. I am so thankful to have had this message. My car has been making me crazy and I am too attached to it. I am now shopping for a new car, as this was the push I needed. I have a strong spirit/car connection and have learned to respect it. Thank you! Hope to see you again some day.
Pamela V.
Massachusetts, USA., April, 2015.
I had a private session with Steve several years ago. It was right on, and all the information was validated. He is a wonderful medium.
Karen T.
Massachusetts, USA., March, 2015.
Do you remember after the meeting at Green Bay you passed on two messages? Well thank you because of being forewarned I have been able to take evasive action.
1 was about our car.
2 was about a trap being contrived by another medium in Australia.
Henry (my guide) was able to use the warnings and tell me what I had to do to avoid the situations.
1) was to hide the keys to our cars while we were on holiday so my brother could not use either of them when he had a rage/ melt down with his wife. They were staying in our house while we were away.
2) There is a spiritual workshop being held, not to far from us at the end of this month and I was going to go. One of the organizers used to have Maurice come through her occasionally but since he has been part of our spirit team he has not been through her. She is very experienced and fairly well known in Australia. So I was told that she would use my attendance to discredit me and our work.
So Henry told me not to attend. So as a result of the messages you passed on both events have been avoided so thank you.
Roy A.
Sydney, Australia., January, 2015.
I had a great time at the workshop. It was amazing. I loved the meditations and of course appreciated how you weave spirituality into the process. What a great way to share the knowledge we have been given … in a way which can be received well. What you are doing is unique and very powerful! I miss you and the group already! Hope to see you again soon.
Dina D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA., October, 2014.
Thank you again. So amazing — what you teach. A link to how to learn everything. Stephen — you open worlds that were always open; you just give us keys to go in.
Stefanie S.
Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA., October, 2014.
I wanted to write and thank you for a truly rewarding experience this weekend at the mediumship retreat, I especially value how you set a tone of acceptance ad non-judgement for the group. I’m looking forward to seeing the many expected and unexpected ways your teachings will surface in the course of living my everyday life, as I know they will. The two most inspirational take aways I have from the weekend are to move above my ego (no small task!) and to trust my intuition and the loving presence of Spirit.
Karen O.
Maine, USA., October, 2014.
I heard, again, many great comments about your classes and also how much comfort and assurance received from your messages at our services. It is always a joy to be in your company. You touch lives, Steve, by your comforting words and caring nature. Thank you for being you.
Diane S.
Cassadaga, Florida, May, 2014.
Steve, your perceptiveness of people’s things and thoughts and your skills at finding out about people while speaking with them are magnificent. plus you can get people opening and healing somehow at the same time .they get into an altered state as anesthesia. wow.
Amy H.
Orlando, Florida, March, 2014.
Thank you Stephen for your healing reading for me, it helped immensely. God Bless. I can’ t thank you enough Stephen for the healing reading that I have received. I have been healing progressively since and have to say been healthier and kinder to myself. It was such a positive energy guiding me so gently and without any judgement Whatsoever all I felt from the guides were amazing lesson that first made me cry, than made me feel cleansed and daily made me reflect with smile on all the words that kept resignation in my heart. I keep hearing the messages and they are so warm. The immediate impact of resolving my dilemma the question you have let me to ask, was nothing short of miraculous. My relationship with my daughter immediately back to normal, all disputes resolved instantly. It was like you have pulled a dirty curtain off of a window to my soul and all of the sudden I can see. My life has been if not blissful since …pretty darn close to it. Lol I truly mean it so I had to go on and put it in writing. If you don’t believe me try it for yourselves…
Maya K.
Cassadaga, Florida,
March, 2014.
Hi Steve!! I had to share as you were the one who got me to open up more! I was fortunate enough to attend a class with Rev. Rita Berkowitz this past weekend and all the things you taught me during my Sirius weekend I was able to put into practice! I was able to give the 6 pieces of evidential information and then I was able to get the message they came to give to the sitter. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. We also exercised our other Clair’s that we are not use to using! I wanted to thank you again for your time and attention as I look forward to paying forward!! Blessings!
Beth F.
Providence, Rhode Island,
December, 2013.
Renee S.
Los Angeles, California, October 26, 2013
On Sunday, October 6th, Reverend Stephen Hermann was our medium and teacher at Summerland Church of Light NSAC in Hauppauge, New York. For me it was a wonderful doubleheader! First at our weekly Sunday service Rev. Stephen came to me with a reading from Spirit. What happened next was just incredible: information from my mom who had passed in January was received. Information that no one but I myself knew! This was just the beginning of a great Sunday. After service Rev. Stephen held a workshop on two types of mediumship: Spirit Art and Automatic Writing. Both units were filled with creative influences from the spirit world. The class ran from 1:00 – 4:00pm and when it ended no one in the room wanted to leave. The energy level was just amazing. A very inspirational afternoon for everyone who attended the workshop BUT as it turned out a VERY SPECIAL Sunday for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Al S.
October, 2013
Maine, USA., August, 2013
Five stars should be 10 stars. I should have told you about this years ago. A few years ago shortly after my husbands death and one other, I needed answers. I was scrambling for anything. I met Stephen at Cassadaga and took two of his classes. One was on mediumship training. We had a circle and he picked up on my husbands death but gave the reading to another three seats down from me, who thought he was a fraud and said so. He was and is not a fraud! He just picked up on my info and not hers. I attended Rhine Institute and I am aware this is common. My husbands death, cause and the other death were extremely unusual so I know who he was communicating with and where he got his info. He did not know my name nor did I divulge anything to him. I never told him what had happened even though he kept looking at me. I just looked away and stayed quiet. Actually I couldn’t speak and maintain any kind of composure. He looked very bewildered because he knew what he “saw”. His message was correct about all. He is worth his weight in gold and is capable of reaching your loved ones, if you are in need of answers he is “the one” who can give them to you.
You provided me with much needed information. It has changed both my outlook on life and the way I’m handling life’s challenges. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it.
Jeannette Zurc, May 2013

My friend Amy was one of the people that got a reading from you at my house the time you came to do a group session, and she was so impressed with you that,to this day, she speaks of you!! Of course her and I are always talking about psychic mediums and things of that nature.I had contacted you not long ago about getting readings done, but found that you’ve been very busy traveling. I told Amy that, and she was disappointed, but I did tell her that you sometimes are able to do the readings over the phone. I think I’ll keep an eye on your travels and wait until you are close enough for us to come see you, or for you to be able to come see us in person.I hope that you’ll be coming back to greenfield or close bye some time in the future!! Amy was not always a big believer in psychics mediums and communicating with the ones who have crossed over, but ever since that day you came to my house and did the readings, She is a different person!You make the non believers truly believe! I’m so glad that Amy had the opportunity to meet you and have that profound experience!! In the little time you were with all of us, you truly gave EACH and EVERY ONE of us something precious and unforgettable. I was so happy with the way things turned out. I’m sure you hear things like this ALL OF THE TIME! I think, I myself have probably already said things like this to you before, and if I have, well, ….that’s o.k., you deserve to hear it, AGAIN!! I tend to carry on about things and for that I am sorry, but I just wanted to let u know that you are an AWESOME person and we really hope to see you and get another reading from you again, if, and when your back here in the little old town of Greenfield!!! It would be great to be able to see you and talk with you again!! I think it would really do my friend Amy a world of good to be able to talk with you and get a reading from you too!! If u are ever back in this area, could you please let me know so some of us could set up readings with you. You take care and stay happy!!
Shirley, March, 2013
I HIGHLY recommend Stephen Hermann! He is phenomenal! Every chance I get to study with Steve I jump on it! Steve is one of most enlightened, caring, educated and grounded teachers of our time. It would be a definite asset to ANYONE to attend this teaching
Beth Eden, Connecticut
March, 2013
The Spiritual Anatomy class was really fantastic!! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and experienced teacher visiting us. We all got so much out of it. Thank you so much. Can’t wait until the Let’s Have a Seance tonight.
Victoria Ackerman, March 23, 2013
Loved the seance and workshop tonight, it was awesome and powerful! Your honest and genuine approach is very inspiring. You were extremely well received by everyone in the class, and were very beneficial and appreciated. I learned and expanded a lot with both mediumship and healing. Thank you Steve!
Lori Marshall, March 23, 2013
I don’t know if you remember our phone reading last Wednesday, but I want to thank you again. I don’t know why I am so amazed that the things you told me were true, but I am. Thank you again. You said someone that worked in boats was coming through and I had no idea that my grandfather was the go to man for boat repair.
I told my “husband” a medium said he had been keeping things from me and putting on a facade and he admitted what he had been doing and now I see him for the person he actually is and I am ready to move on from this horrible relationship.
As I said, I’m sure you don’t remember anything I have mentioned, but I do and I thank you for restoring my faith. Thank you so much!
Sincerely, Mindy, March 2013
My daughter and I went to two classes in Cassadaga this week and we were blown away!
Victoria Johnson, March 2013
Because of you Stephen, I found out that I am psychic and was able to see spirits and pictures and give a reading during your class.
Mary Kriso, February 2013
Was very good, I liked how he gave in depth explanations on how medium-ship worked etc and I liked how he did not get the audience to “feed” him when he was giving the readings, also he was pretty funny!
I only knew my father’s family in my younger years, so perhaps they came through in my reading with Stephen so that I might know them better and realize that they are supporting me behind the scenes.
There was a lot of evidence in Stephen’s reading that allowed me to recognize the first three spirits who came through. The description of my grandmother was precise: small framed, larger lower abdomen, difficult to be with, too blunt for most people to handle, an abusive mother, and mentally unstable. She was brought in by her sister-in-law who took care of her in her physical life, and she was described with accuracy concerning her role in my grandmother’s life. Stephen also brought evidence of my grandfather, even knowing his name.
The fourth spirit Stephen spoke of, I was unsure about, but I thought it might be an uncle I didn’t know well. I later spoke with my father about who this man could have been. Initially my father shook his head that he didn’t know, but then after I reported that he loved bird watching, poetry, chldren, and writing his ideas on cards, he said it was his grandfather. I did not know my great-grandfather, not do I ever recall a conversation about him.
Steve’s channeling is fascinating and convincing, but it is the messages from beyond for daily living that are most valuable. My grandfather’s brought me specific advice and information which was pertinent to my life. More importantly, it was made known that my psychological and spiritual healing is also healing them. Steve spoke of a dysfunctional family pattern that I have broken free of, allowing all of us to evolve. They are working to assist in that healing. Steve had said, “They are putting the fourth wheel on your car so that you can move forward.”
Steve forewarned me that medumship is not fortune telling, but he did speak of the future in regards to events that are happening in my life presently. Time will tell if those prophecies will come to be.
The week before the reading, I had realized that I had not paid sufficient gratitude to my guides, who had been helping my physical and spiritual healing for the past five years. I had often let their presence during energy work, and I prayed that I might come to know them better. Ask and you shall receive. During the reading, three guides came forward, made their presence known and left.
The reading helped me to know the responsibility and importance of my path. Working through me and with me are a host of energies and spirits that are moving my evolution forward, supporting my healing, and focusing me creatively. My responsibility is to be fully committed to this life and to my self-development so that I can be an equal partner in the our progress. We all evolve toward our higher self together.
Finally, a dog appeared to Steve. I believe the dog was quite persistent in making himself known, because Steve went back to him several times. Steve focused on the dog and described him with plenty of detail out golden retriever who died two years ago. “Rascal” just wanted us to know he was still around.
I just wanted to thank you for the great reading that you did for Andrea and I last week. We both heard exactly what we needed to hear. You were absolutely right about the nature between the nature of the relationships between my cousins! You brought through our Uncles John and Jim again. They both were in a flashy sports car which was very typical of them. They were both “ladies men”. (Womanizers!)
John was a crown court judge in Canterbury. While you described him you said something about a gown and books and Canterbury Tales. You also brought someone through called Alfred who had a special watch and many dogs. Andrea didn’t recognize the name until we were half way home. Then she realized it was her grandpa ‘Fred Lee and he did indeed have a special watch that he wore all the time and a gozillan dogs that Andrea knew very well.
For me you described someone rowing a coastguard life-boat. You described it very accurately! You said that someone called Robert was showing it to you and telling me that you can’t save some people. They keep on putting themselves in danger and you can waste a lot of time and energy trying to save them. That was a good message fro me because I have wasted years try to ‘save’ the UMass football team. Some of them were saved but many are not savable and I accept that now. It’s really me that I’ve been trying to save. I just projected my fear and pain on to them and then tried to save them. The reason I did this was because of the way my father and grandfather treated me as a child and then you told me that Robert was standing behind me with his hand on my shoulder asking me to forgive him. This was HUGE for me! I was a little confused as to whether it was actually my father or grandfather asking for forgiveness. My father’s name was Robert Jeremy but he was always known as Jerry. My grandfather’s name was Leslie Robert. I’m guessing that it was my father. My grandfather was a coast guard and had to do life-boat duty regularly while he was growing up on the south coast but I think my father also did a stint as a coast-guard. You described him wearing a kind of soldiers uniform. My father was in the navy for a while during the second world war but my grandfather was a member of the House of Lords and he also wore a uniform of some sort for ceremonial events so it could have been either of them. It’s nice to know that one of them wants me to forgive them anyway. I think it was my father.
Anyway I just thought you might like some feedback. It was a really great reading. I think my other cousin Rebecca might be wanting a reading again before long as well. Perhaps in the Fall when Andrea comes back again all three of us can come and see you.
Keep up the good work, all the best.
My Experience with You in Webster
Hope things are going well for you. I didn’t imagine that when you said I can reach you through Dave Davies web site that it was the same Dave from the Kinks. A pleasant surprise. So anyway here is my story of my experience with you on December 9, 2000 in Webster, Massachusetts.
The main reason for meeting with Steve was I had hoped that I could possibly hear from my sister who had just recently died 6 months before. I had hoped this experience would help me in my healing as well as the others in my family who are having a hard time dealing with our loss.
At first Steve described two people coming through who couldn’t be more different from each other. He explained that the man was a cold, to the point, troubled spirit who had trouble communicating his feelings when alive and then went on to describe a woman who Steve described as being someone whom you could explain your deepest secrets and feeling to and not to worry about being judged. Well, this was my grandparents he was describing. My grandmother was the most loving person to have touched my life. My grandfather, however, was not so loving according to my mom and her siblings because he always seemed okay to me. He had come through to describe his troubles here and to let me know that he is still working on getting in touch with his feelings and how to treat people with kindness and love. I did not know it at the time fo the reading but this was really a message for my mom and her siblings and his way of saying sorry.
Next came through my other grandfather who died when I was very young. I did not recognize who Steve was describing until I got home and listened to the tape again with my girlfriend. Steve kept on referring to this man with John Wayne references that I did not understand until my girlfriend brought up the fact that everyone knew my grandfather as Duke. Once she said that, everything else fell into place with this spirit and I am so happy to know that he is still watching what goes on in my life.
Half way through my reading I had not heard from my sister which was starting to concern me. I had vowed not to mention why I was there as not to lead Steve in any way and thus leading myself or anyone who listened to the tape to be more skeptical, but I did not want to leave without asking. I asked and Steve stopped me before giving too much information and explained why. He felt my sister was having trouble getting settled in and she was being helped since her passing. This made sense to me as I had always known how much my sister had loved life and that she was not ready to leave yet as least as far as her mind and body were concerned. It’s that her sold had different plans I guess. She finally came through in spirit for a very short time. She came through and he could see her handing me a pizza, which is something that would only make sense to me. I live in Massachusetts now and grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. Pizza in New England is not the same as and when I go home the very first thing I would do is order a pizza and sometimes get one before getting to my mom’s house. My sister picked up on this and would always give me a hard time that the pizza was more important that it was to see them. So the pizza reference was her way of saying welcome home I guess. He also mentioned he kept on hearing the song Girls just want to have fun around her. My sister lived for fun and if anything she has taught me and my brother to live our lives and not just go through the motions. She truly experienced and enjoyed the short life she had. I hope to one day meet with Steve again and hopefully my sister will be more comfortable with what has happened and we will hear more from her then.
I went to Steve Hermann for a reading, he was seeing a rose. He said he felt this was a woman and her name was Rose. He felt this woman was from my mother’s side. This woman was very crabby and shaking her finger at me because I wasn’t doing what she had told me to do. He also felt this woman taught small children.
She was showing him a pair of scissors that were still in the family. She showed Steve details about those scissors. They were dull and rusted where they went together where they joined. He felt she used them to cut heavy material with them. Also, she said they are broke on one end of the scissors. Steve said that he was seeing a baby spoon, he responded I don’t know why I am seeing this. He talks to spirit asking spirit for more information. The spirit Rose told him that the these were used for feeding babies. He also said this woman wouldn’t listen to advice. You would tell her options and she would not listen. She would do what she wanted to do.
I told Steve that I remembered Rose was on my husband’s mother’s side. I told Steve I couldn’t remember the scissors or a baby spoon. Well the next day I remembered it so clear. We were at my mother-in-laws and my husband needed a pair of scissors. She told him to look in the drawer and he pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting with them. He asked; Where did you get these scissors they don’t cut? My husband started laughing Look they are rusted where the screw goes together and where were you put your finger in there’s a hook and the hook has broken off. His mother responded; Oh I don’t know, I think they’re Rose’s, she used to cut heavy material with them and she had some baby spoons that she fed the babes with. She didn’t know what she was doing with them.
I could not believe how accurate Steve was. I asked him how he could do that. He said that they are alive in spirit and know. I told him I would like to go there. He said; No you wouldn’t. I asked him what it was like there. He said the same as here and that they have hospitals, houses and schools and still work on themselves.
A cool fall afternoon when I attended this meeting inviting those skeptics just hoping that there may be a possibility their loved ones who passed on would communicate with them. I’ve always known I was different and sometimes thought I imagined thoughts or feelings that someone or something I couldn’t see was speaking to me. Would this young man standing in the front of this room be a phony or was he truly gifted? Steve was his name and he asked if he may approach an elderly couple in the audience relaying information from loved ones. My turn. Why did he ask me if he may speak? He described a woman whom, to me, was clearly my great-grandmother. Even though we never met, strangely I always thought I knew her. Her message was not quite clear and from sheer curiosity I knew I had to make an appointment with this young man.
Still the skeptic, I kept the appointment. Steve, sitting in a chair across from me, was introducing my great-grandmother again. Throughout the years she had been guiding me and in doing so had corrected the errors she had made here because of her own arrogance. In doing so helped herself to grow spiritually in her own realm.
Proof, I wanted Proof. A name, What was her name? Steve answered; Her name was Dolly. This can’t be. There is no Dolly in my family.
I visited my mother in the nursing home that afternoon so I asked her if there was a possibility that her grandmother had a nickname. To my surprise she answered she never understood but that she knew it to be Dolly.
I must add also add that I have always felt such a oneness with the Native Americans, especially as a child, and my Indian brave also made himself known to me. Maybe, as I continue to listen, he too will continue to guide me.
I have been listening over and over to the tape of the reading you gave me on Thursday. I can’t express enough my overwhelming sense of joy that you given me re: my Dad’s spirit. It’s so accurate and true-everything about it. Not only his manner but the forthright dialogue-you got him exactly. Without any question his spirit is here with me in the present. Since his passing as you know. One year today(It’s late 12 AM now, August 3rd-won’t sleep until I tell you this) I speak with him throughout my days of love and grief, for guidance and sorrows of my past and to please understand. You validated every word that I have ever spoken to him since his passing. I know he is with me, he will continue to guide me spiritually and his love for me is endless as mine is for him. And yes, I did know he was with me all the time, but I needed that extra proof and you gave it to me. No more “beating me over the head”. Maybe my Dad will be more quiet around my house now! And my greatest feeling is there is no more doubting my awareness and energies. He has grown and so shall I. Oh, you’ll be frustrated with me on this-when I asked if my Dad was with us you mentioned a Joe or Joseph and I told you I didn’t know, well that’s my grandfather(my dad’s dad)!
Let me just say, in regards to the other spirits that came through. The first lady I validated through my sister-it’s her neighbor who just passed less than a year ago. (I have a picture of her in my kitchen, but Steve, I didn’t know her all that well, but I did like her a lot.) She beat to her own drum and was a classy lady who didn’t care what others thought of her and was very supportive of those less fortunate (Eleanor Roosevelt). And she ate tuna fish sandwiches every day! However there is some research I need to do about the Bob-Robert(here and in spirit)connection woman because I think this may be another spirit, as well as research on the “ship navigator gentleman”. You also brought the name “Michael”-that is Robert’s brother here not passed. Regardless of whom they are, they have some very good advice for me. I’m aware of these issues and I’ve been working on them for a long time. Now I’ll just work harder at them. I’ll be sure to find out who they are and I’ll be getting back to you on that.
You also mentioned a physician coming through(my grandfather and great grandfather were doc’s)) who is concerned about a woman’s health and her avoidance to her health issues(my mother).
I would very much like to help you out with your book and I’ll be in contact with all the facts, especially that of my Dad. Do you know that even the symbolism all make sense? The accuracy of all this is almost too eerie. My Dad brought me to you last year just after his passing. It was a Friday, I was reading a newspaper and the Barnes & Noble calendar caught my eye-you were scheduled that VERY evening-and so we met. Ironic isn’t it? And I just needed to see you for this past reading before his anniversary and I’m happy that we were able to connect. This makes this day so much more meaningful.
Steve, you are extremely gifted and I can’t thank you enough.
In the summer of 1999 I went to visit Reverend Steve Hermann because I had arranged to have him do a reading for me. I had never had any kind of reading before and really didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t know anything about me except that I had called and scheduled a reading. I had read about him and was interested in speaking to a medium since my father died in April a few months before. I had some unfinished business and wished I could have had a chance to have contact with my father one last time so that I might be able to feel with more certainly that I did the right thing by discontinuing this medical treatment knowing that he would inevitably die. To understand a bit more how I knew my father spoke through Reverend Hermann you must know a bit of history about my father and our relationship.
My father was a very unusual man. He never spoke unless he wanted to and he commanded everyone’s respect. He was bright and extremely hard working. He was a successful pathologist and to the world outside my family he was a great guy-a man of few words- a wonderful doctor.
He battered my mother for over 30 years until he could no longer physically get to her, which was not long before he died. He battered and terrorized my siblings and me while we were children. The abuse lasted until we were old enough to leave home.
My father was a tortured man who during his lifetime experienced the terror of being a prisoner in a prison camp and the terror of war that ravaged his entire family and life. To the best of everyone’s knowledge he never confided in anyone during his life. He was an extremely tortured and lonely individual who could often be extremely cruel.
He would tell me that he could kill me in my sleep with a shot that he had from the hospital. He joked about hurting patients at the hospitals with shots and I always feared him. He threatened us with guns from time to time and would be up for days at a time raging at us. He had no friends and discouraged any of us from having friends. He had a hatred for people that only the immediate people saw. Once in a while in an unexpected moment he might take pity on someone and help him start a business, send their kids to college, or buy them a house. He would take his support away just to let people know he was in charge and he once even evicted my maternal grandmother from a home he rented to her. He was furious that she took a vacation and decided to punish her.
Sometimes when he was calm he would take us out for nighttime walks and tell us funny stories. He might get us our favorite candies and share them with us. Thunderstorms make him so pensive that he would always pile us into his bed to watch the lightening and hold us tight. These kind of moments were extremely rare but were powerful memories for all of us. I believed despite everything that he loved us and I always felt extremely sorry for him. I knew all his work was to have enough money for all of us because he had lost everything before and he never wanted us to be in the same situation. He was driven to an extreme to see that we all had everything we needed-food, clothes, and a good education.
But he was never there for us emotionally-he was damaged and disturbed-unable to function in personal relationships. Trauma and his resistance to ever reach out for help destroyed his chances for closeness with any of us. I think we all felt extremely angry with him for never letting anyone penetrate his little private world.
He really never was able to let down his guard and be approached by any of us. If I told him I loved him he would hang up the phone. It wasn’t until the last year of his life that he began to respond to “I love you” with a “thank you”.
He developed diabetes and deteriorated over a period of 15 years. First his toes were amputated and then his leg was amputated. He refused to follow any doctor’s advice. It was if he was trying to kill himself with a diet of high fat and sugar daily. He finally needed dialysis and at the end of March 1999 he developed a blood infection at the site of his dialysis site. The family all came to his side-all of us from different parts of the country. Within hours he had a stroke and was unconscious. We were told he would need a feeding tube and a shunt in his neck for dialysis-another surgery. His doctor was doubtful that he would even survive the surgery. We all knew that he did not want to die in a hospital. We couldn’t ask him either. One by one we all voted to bring Dad home for the last time. We were told he would not last much more than two days and that he would be unconscious. We took him home and waited for him to die.
He woke up soon after getting home and was conscious but could not communicate well. Sometimes it appeared that he was ignoring us like he would always do and sometimes it was like he could not talk. He was alert 70 per cent of the time for the next 7 days. He struggled to breathe and had a tremendous pain and discomfort. We slept with him and propped him up. We all finally got to love my Dad and he even reached out for us. We all held him while he slept and took turns rubbing his back and turning him. We even laughed and joked about our sibling rivalry and Dad laughed too. We all cried as his old colleagues came up to his room to say goodbye.
On the 5th or 6th day I wondered if we had indeed done the right thing. He seemed so alert and while he couldn’t talk I began to feel as if we were killing Dad. I wondered if the doctors were wrong. Did they misjudge the situation? Would dialysis make him better? I had to ask Dad what he wanted. I told him I needed him to respond to my question about his care. Did he know he was dying? I told him how much I loved him but that I felt like we were killing him and he had to tell me if we were doing the right thing. Tears ran down his face. I sensed a slight nod but I wasn’t totally sure. I asked if he believed he was going to see God-he shook his head No. I asked if he thought he would get another life like the Buddhists believe and he nodded. I told him I would stay with him as long as I could on his journey. I lit candles and sang some Buddhist chants I knew.
I took care of Dad until he died in our arms on the 7th day. I kissed his head as he took his last breath. My sister and I bathed and dressed Dad and straightened up his room. The room was full of white light and the sweetest smell. It was so quiet and serene. He was surrounded by candles and looked like he was sleeping. All wrinkles and stress were gone from his face. Dad looked so young and peaceful.
I was emotionally drained and physically drained. I wondered if I had really seen Dad nod yes to my question did I dream it was for real? I was haunted by the question that he could no longer answer-did I do the right thing??
It was at this time I saw an ad about Reverend Steve Hermann and decided to see if he might be able to communicate with my Dad.
He knew nothing about me or my question. I came to the reading and while he waited to see what came-one of the spirits was a man Reverend Hermann described as a man who deeply hated himself-who was powerful- was frightening-was a person who would plow right over others. His self-hared made him hate others he liked to see others suffer. He was a doctor-he was a doctor and he saw him giving people shots and liking to hurt them. He said, “You know this spirit enjoyed giving people shots because he made people suffer”. Reverend Hermann shuddered and told me that it was difficult to feel the feeling this spirit had-hatred of self and others was so great. He told me not to be afraid because the spirit meant no harm but wanted to toast me. He had a bottle and could see a man pouring out drinks and wanting to toast me. He was proud of me and wanted to drink to me. He wanted to tell me that he is proud of me and that I did the right thing!
I never told Reverend Hermann about the specifics about my Dad and this reading or what I meant. I liked knowing he knew nothing about me. I went back for subsequent readings where this spirit would come in and tell me to buy my kids candy and toy and to play with them. (My Dad loved the grandchildren best of all and was tirelessly worried about saving money for their college educations)
Reverend Hermann has a truly great gift. I go to see him occasionally and always find good clear guidance. The healing during readings helps me achieve mental clarity to see problems in new ways and to discover creative solutions. His readings have had a great impact on my life. I am thankful Dad had a chance to answer my questions and was able to let me know I can be at peace with the decision I made.
Here is the message you gave to me at the church in New London. This message was mostly about my childhood-who I was mostly dressed in frilly dresses-with bows in my hair and fussed over-the lawn Dad worked so hard on to be perfect-but never was because we played on it. How my parents couldn’t keep the leash on me tight enough-I was determined to be me-right down to the wringer washing machine n the kitchen, which Mom used every day. It all brought back a lot of good memories. Spirit also said a lot of positive messages about my future, which was very nice to hear. Thank you Steve for bringing all the positive messages through. God bless you.
My daughter and myself attended an evening on February 21, 2001 at the Spiritualist church in New Market, Auckland. I would like you to hear my story and your response.
Recently I left Auckland for two months to nurse my dying mother in Dunedin. She had terminal lung cancer after cancer in the cervix and bowel. I am not a nurse but it was her wish to be nursed at home. I found such extraordinary strength during my time with her that it could only have been given to me. She had been brought up in the Anglican faith but was quite against religion. However, she did ask me what I thought and I told her that it would be beautiful, peaceful and there would be a great light. Interestingly she had several experiences where just this happened. She actually though the was dying at this point. They occurred once before drugs and once whilst on morphine. She was quite excited by these and couldn’t wait to tell me. I told her she was being shown the way. I had come to your meeting with the question in mind “I do hope she made it.”
You asked if you could come to me and I said “Yes”. You said “There was a person, shorter than me, leaning on me.” (My mother had become very small and as she could hardly walk I had to support her. “and another very short person” (Most of the district nurses were short but the district nurse who I had great rappor with was perhaps 4’11” tall). “We were pouring over charts” (These no doubt were the charts that I signed each day for the administration of the drugs)
“There was a lot of healing and a problem in the solar plexus area.” Although Mum had lung cancer she was very ill in the stomach and quite nauseated and could hardly eat. You also said “There was a pot with something horrible being mixed. It smelt awful.” This would have been the meat for the dog I boiled in a large pot and boiled meat does smell awful. She was always so worried about her dog. Also you said ” We were picking something from the garden you thought rubbard”. That was the only thing that was growing in the garden and I did cut it as Mum quite liked that and I made it stewed and in pies. You said “She appreciated all I did” (These words she kept saying to me) then at the end you said “And she wants you to know she made it.”
I am glad my daughter was with me to hear your words. I was quite relieved that Mum had made it to where I said she would. How did I know that? I have always felt divinely guided, I have traveled extensively and always felt protected. At one point my life was also saved by listening and acting on strong words that came to mind. Thank you for helping me, your words confirmed my thoughts.
In September of 1998 I participated in a Spiritualist service that was held in the Unitarian-Universalist church in Monpelier, Vermont.
When it was my turn I was very surprised and pleased that you were able to bring to me several entities.
My father passed on many years ago and his words to me were personal and somewhat surprising for you were able to pass on to me his message of apology and love.
My oldest brother also had words for me. I could tell by your actions that you were feeling his physical and emotional condition that took him from this plane.
I guess my biggest surprise and joy was when my childhood and best friend came through. He took his own life several years ago. I felt not only sorrow at his death but I also felt that I should sensed his problem and maybe gone to him and helped him. He addressed my concern about this and said there was nothing I could have done. I am pleased that he evidently has completed his readjustment after passing over.
There have been times that I have participated at Spiritualist services and not always received as an astounding reading as the reference above. I am convinced that these variations exist depending upon the attitude and responsiveness of the congregation. Also sometimes mediums might not be that great on a certain day as on another day. So my thought is to persevere and always come to the service with a positive, joyful attitude.
During our sessions, there were two guides that seem to have come through the most, my paternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother. I knew it was my grandfather Patsy because you described him as he was on the earth plane; big, silver hair, protective. When I asked for a clearer image of who it was, you described him on a horse wearing a military uniform and playing a trumpet or bugle. I knew it was him because he was in the Italian army band where he was required to ride a horse in full uniform while he played the bugle!
My grandmother Nancy was also described physically as well as emotionally. It was easier for me to identify her since I knew her in my lifetime(Unlike my grandfather who died before I was born). You accurately described her physical attributes and the way she carried herself emotionally in the world.
The messages they gave me were very helpful in that they enabled me to sort through some issues that I’ve had and to gain some clarity on my life. Some of the advice was very practical and I use it frequently, even years later. But there were a few instances where I really did not know what they were referring to until many months later. That is why I like to go back and refer to the notes that I take during our sessions.
Interestingly, some of the advice around issues of control were repeated at a later session(Over a year later) and I had forgotten about them. As such I feel it appropiately to visit with you annually in order to be reminded of what my guides have to say to me. I look forward to our sessions and am grateful for the assistance your mediumship has provided. Be well and walk in gladness.
On December 12, 1999 at the Vision of Light Church in Hartland, Vermont, I received a message from Reverend Steve Hermann. In brief Reverend Hermann described an older woman of Germanic background coming through who was going through the motions of baking. I feel that this was my maternal grandmother who was always baking or cooking. My grandmother, Katherine (Eck) Joseph was born in Germany.
An additional part of the message seemed to pertain to a situation that will come up soon regarding a possible decision I will need to make, and that I should avoid “being pushed into it.” I believe I know what this means.
It is my pleasure to recount for you some of the connections you facilitated between myself and loved ones from the other side of life on the occasions I met with you privately or as part of a church service at Pine Grove.
First, I must tell you about my grandparents. My grandfather was a “gentleman farmer” of sorts during his lifetime. He and my grandmother shared a large farmhouse in Westbrook, Connecticut with a hugh red barn behind it and several sheds on either side of the barn, tending to the sheep or cows, or building boats as a hobby. I remember well his yellow safari hat that he always wore as he worked…always with a certain determined look about him as he went about his routine. My grandmother loved to cook, to read mystery novels and to watch baseball on television.
You can imagine, then, why it was such a profound experience for me to hear you describe a man pitching hay and building boats..while his wife walked about carrying Agatha Christie novels in her hands. You also saw boats in the background, which, as I stated before, was a hobby of my grandfather’s as they lived on a marshy river that led into Long Island Sound. As a child, I spent many happy summer days with my grandparents on one of their boats or on their dock, fishing for blue crabs with a baited string and net.
My grandparents frequently come to me through Spirit. It is my belief that one of the reasons they come through so often is because I am the only one in my family who is listening to them. Others in my family regard my Spiritualist faith as “New Age Garbage”…and are indifferent to the fact that Spiritualism has been around for a long, long time and there is nothing “New” about it. My “Nana” and “Pop” are very special to me and I am always delighted when they come through…but I am also frustrated at times because I think they are so strong that they perhaps “hog the connections” making it more difficult for other loved ones to come through.
When we met a couple of weeks ago, you mentioned “Christy” coming through.(after my grandparents, of course!) Christy was a friend of mine during college. She has a troubled life and had been institutionalized several times for depression and suicidal ideation. We lost touch after college, but I remember her with much love and sadness as she was never able to rise above whatever it was that kept her so sad. The fact that she is now on the other side makes me quite certain that she has died by her own hand… I am not sure of this, but it would not surprise me. Anyway, from what you said, she is fine now and that makes me happy.
I asked you to give any insight into the future for my son and you basically told me a man dressed in military garb came through and advised that Brian needed to “get with it” and not be a “slacker”. These words came, I’m certain, from my Dad who was a Captain in the Army during World War II and wore his uniform proudly. He would definitely be one to tell Brian to get off his butt and start doing something.
After the private readings Barb and I had with you recently at Pine Grove, I told her that I couldn’t leave the house that night because I had the feeling Brian would be calling me and it was important that I be home. Sure enough he called from California(after a two week excursion to California with a buddy to seek their fortune) saying that it wasn’t as easy to be bumming around California as he thought, and wanted to come home. He is home now and back to work… feeling much better …(and so am I!) I wonder if my Dad helped that call along.
You also commented upon an angry woman who I was trying to befriend and counseled me that this was almost a hopeless effort because she was just not going to hear me or accept me. In fact, I had been “beating my head against the wall” trying to open up an avenue of communication with my daughter’s boyfriend’s mother who is a very sad and angry woman who thinks I am a leftover hippy(which I am) and that I am far too liberal in my thinking. True, I am liberal, but only to the extent that I have taught my children to listen to their hearts and to look for Spirit in all things in life.
That if they are listening and are observant, they will feel Spirit working in and around them. I have stressed a sense of humor and a reliance on their own conscience to guide them in life. This woman is a very strict Roman Catholic. We have very little in common and I am relieved now I know there is perhaps nothing I can do to bridge the gap between us other than to continue to be friendly but recognize that there is little more to be done and to stop letting this woman hurt my feelings.
Finally, you commented that loved ones often come to me through music and that you saw a piano. As it happens, I purchased a piano a few days prior to seeing you at Pine Grove and it is due to be delivered this week. I used to play(quite well) and then quit when my kids were born, sold our piano, and have regretted it ever since. I am hopeful that my Spirit guides/friends/relations were the ones telling me to do this, and that I will feel more communion with them when I play. I have often felt the presence of a beloved “old flame” who passed from colon cancer several years ago. A certain song “All in the Game” comes on the car radio or will happen to be on when I walk into a store or something. It was the type of music he loved and I have no doubt that it is signal from him. I have been told by other mediums that music is a powerful connection for me. Your identifying a piano as part of my “aura” is evidence that you have touched in with a powerful force between myself and loved ones on the other side. Bart(the “old flame” I spoke of)was a fabulous musican when he was here. He had a beautiful bass singing voice and played a number of musical instruments. He also referred to me as “Sunshine”. My daughter has lupus and she attends a camp for kids with chronic illness, Camp Sunshine, and I am not surprised to feel his presence when we’re there.
I guess that’s it for now. You know, I was a religious studies major in college and it is precisely what turned me off to the standard church. It is always seemed to me that the organized church had it’s priorities mixed up. It seemed to be about money, clothing, and gossip and had little to do with “God”. I always knew what I believed because of what I felt inside, but I never knew where to go with those feelings. It felt a little bit like trying to find a parking space in a crowded parking lot. When I finally learned about Spiritualism and found a place where my feelings and my senses were affirmed, I knew I was finally in the right “parking space”. I had found my place. God bless you, Steve.
After attending your gathering at the Warkworth Women’s Bowling Club on 24th February, 2001, I have been asking around my relatives for information to support your spiritual information you had for me.
You had said a man with old fashioned clothes and a camera on a black cloth that went over his head was taking photos. You also said that he loved taking photos of young ladies.
On leaving your gatherings I told you I had a camera that my mother had given me and I would ask her who it belonged to. Well, my mother told me it belonged to her father, Harry Cruickshank, he didn’t do much photography, but his brother John George Cruickshank, born on 23rd April, 1881, did a lot of photography. He owned a Thornton Packard half plate stand camera.
He built and lived in the family house called Rosemount. He was a builder until he had an accident and hurt his back and kidneys. I guess this is when he started his photography.
God bless you, Steve.
Thank you for bringing your ministry and mediumship within my reach last evening in Westbrook. I truly wish I might have been able to travel up to Northport for the week you were there; however, it wasn’t in the cards this summer.
Ironically, I had been scheduled for work last evening. Normally, especially in the summer months, weekends are the busiest times at the North Conway Grand Hotel, and I always work weekends. A few weeks ago, I had received your e-mail with information about your week at Temple Heights, including also the date and time when you would speak at the Portland Spiritualist Church. In my mind, I had catalogized away that date, July 20, as another fatefully missed opportunity. Out of the blue on Friday, July 18, I was asked if I would mind taking Sunday off instead of Tuesday. (Tuesdays have long been my usual day off this summer) I took that change in my schedule as a definite sign from the spirit world that they wanted me in attendance last evening in Westbrook. And they were right.
The message you brought to me startled me a little at first because I wasn’t sure who the spirit was. At first, I honestly feared it could be someone I have known only a short while who would have had to pass into spirit quite recently, unbeknownst to me. Much of what you said fit my friend Timothy. When, however, you expanded upon the activities of the spirit on this plane, mentioning ballet shoes, I felt relief and recognition. Relief because I felt assured the spirit couldn’t be my friend Tim. Recognition because I knew it had to be my friend Dane, who passed into spirit 10 years ago this past June 30. June 30 is also my birthday, and I’ve always felt that his passing on that day was a kind of sign-a sign that when I celebrate my mortal life’s anniversary, Dane is celebrating his eternal life’s anniversary.
Dane was a very tormented soul on this plane, and based on what I gleaned from the message that came through last evening his torment had not gone away. “Sociopath” is a word which, regrettably, would describe his pattern of behavior when I knew him. There were infinite conflicts in Dane’s life. His left-wing, “Stalinist” or “Leninist” political views are, I believe, a function of his fundamentalist Jehovah’s Witnesses background. Dane was a friend and a collaborator with me on several writing projects.
Interestingly, the project he may be particularly concerned about is one that may ultimately lead to litigation. It’s a long story I won’t go into, but I fear this screenplay may possibly have been pirated or plagiarized. Dane was also a successful male fashion model, mostly in Europe, and he danced with the American Ballet Theater School. For better or worse, I also had a very tormented affair with Dane, despite the fact he was married and had two children. It is his widow and I (thank God she and I are on civil terms) who may sue a film producer over the project in question. I loved Dane dearly, and I forgave and blessed him in this life, and I hope he knows I love him dearly still and bear no hard feelings. We are all flawed, and in many ways we are all the walking wounded. There is a reason why Dane and I came together, and possibly our respective current situations may ultimately help me fathom why the connection between him and I came about in the first place. It wasn’t a happy time for me. It was a very self-destructive and torturous time in my life. I hope I learned my lesson.
Thank you again, Stephen. Wishing you God’s blessings in your work, I remain a faithful friend and a faithful follower of your teachings.
I want to write to you to tell you the tremendous changes the readings made in my life! I always had a true interest in spirituality, but the readings opened up doors of knowledge, comfort, hope and a deeper understanding of myself-I never considered existed!
The relationship to my family members, dramatically changed in ways , which seemed to benefit all of us! The accuracy of the descriptions of my long dead relatives are bone chillingly correct-down to the details of their temper, behaviors, patterns, habits,etc. There are several spirit friends who came through- I am not able to identify-however my mom, my mother, my grandmother, my maternal uncle, my father and possible a past mentor of mine-all in the spirit world-unquestionably were identifiable! Toward the end of my second reading, as you remember, I asked for some guidance regarding my present married life. The response I received shocked me, but on the bottom of my heart-I always knew those things to be true-anyways..it may just save my marriage and more.
Yet the greatest joy to me is the source of continuity , that I made an essential step ahed of my earnest quest for further growth!
I wish also to tell you Steve that the opportunity to get to know you is the great pleasure of mine-of which I will cherish. Now I am on the path of rapid betterment and I am looking forward to more development -along these lines as the appropriate moments arrive. All the best regards.
Sandor Hegedus
I just wanted to write to you and thank you for the reading at Cassadaga. I have had some readings there before, but yours hlped me the most. It was very accurate.
You have a gift and I am glad you could touch my life. Thank you again so much for everything.
It was great to meet you at the Phenix Conference. Many thanks for the healing which you gave after my reading. Despite the bad weather, it helped me to feel good for two days.
Bill Urban
I am very skeptical whenever I meet someone who claims to be a medium or who claims to possess any kind of psychic ability. So it was with healthy skepticism that I arranged to have a reading from Steve last year at Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp near Orlando, Florida. Steve’s reading went right to my soul. I was truly amazed at how accurate the reading was, and more importantly, I was amazed at the insight into myself that I gained from the reading.
Because I was so astonished by the reading I received from Steve last year, I made a special trip to Cassadaga again this year, hoping to catch Steve during his annual visit there. I did have a second reading from Steve at Cassadaga and once again his reading brought comfort and enlightenment to my soul.
I truly believe Steve Hermann has a highly developed skill of mediumship, inspired by a higher power. I hope to see him again the next time he visits Cassadaga.
Dan Johnson
It was nice meeting you in Cassadaga a few days ago. I was and am impressed with your guidance from Spirit and the accuracy in the reading I received.
The next time you come to the Florida area please drop me a post card ahead of arrival so I can set another meeting.
Elizabeth Watson
You opened by describing a monk or person in a monk’s garb; a long brown robe and he was reading from a book. It could have been scriptures. He was a priest of perhaps a politician This threw me into confusion because there were no priests or monks on either side of the family as far back as written records! The politician set me thinking about my grandfather who appears in many dreams and there were a number of people who worked for the government in both my parents families. It was all happening so fast it was difficult to process. I was very skeptical at the outset so when you were trying to describe a monk I was feeling disappointed. Then you began saying that this was probably an uncle and then you said something about Canterbury Tales. I was trying to think of a monk from the Canterbury Tales when you said you were getting the name John. Then it was absolutely clear and I felt my blood run cold. My Uncle John was Crown Court Judge in Canterbury and of course the law is Christian law. Judges and priests are pretty much the same thing!
You then began to tell me that this person was not what they appeared to be; that there was a discrepancy between what they professed to be and how they actually were. This describes just about any man in both my mother’s and father’s families!
You said that you saw a tower and that I was being helped up a spiral staircase. At first I couldn’t think what this would mean, I could only think that it may be very symbolic of the ivory tower; that I was being helped through academia.
It was the next experience that completely blew me away. You began to describe a man in the physical world who is treacherous. He is charming and charismatic but he has a negative affect on many. He is very irresponsible with money, whatever he gets he wastes. Here you were describing my brother. He was always very abusive to me and my mother would never believe me, in fact she would get very angry with me at any suggestion that he was being unkind. You said that I must not believe anything he says and that I must never trust him even if he appears to reform. You also told me to get support by talking to others about it but not to intervene or help him because he would have to learn from his own experience, whatever he dished out was going to come back to him.
At this point I suddenly wondered if you were reading my mind rather than communicating with spirits and I felt a twinge of guilt that maybe I was transferring my thoughts to you and that maybe the intensity of my thoughts and feelings toward my brother were somehow interfering with any genuine spirit communication. Then you said to distance myself from this person and separate from the situation or it would drive me crazy. You said that my life had been very difficult for the last year or two and it has although not anything like as difficult as the life in England. You said life was going to be very up and down until Christmas and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will be. I feel a lot better knowing that my intuitions about my brother are correct and that it is going to make it so much easier for me to deal with him.
My parents were killed in a car accident on July 4 leaving my brother and I co-executors of their wills and my brother is quite insane. I have been having a very difficult time with him he has forbidden me to speak with my father’s lawyer or to the undertaker. He also forbade me to allow anyone to go into the house until he got there. It was such a relief to hear that my parents now know what he is like and that I can take steps to protect myself without fear that I am a “wicked, evil, bad girl”.
You also said that I have come under a lot of criticism and that I take it in and it depresses me; that I am filled with self-doubt and self-blame. You are absolutely correct about this and it has been a very empowering and liberating experience learning that my parents know that there were many times that I was right and they were wrong.
You then began to describe a woman who is “…stuffy”, very strict about manner and critical. She was an embarrassment to herself even more than she was an embarrassment to others. This was absolutely my mother! I’m glad you said that! She put on such airs and graces that such was a perpetual source of embarrassment to me! You also said that she was not really like that, that underneath she was a very “earthy” person. You also said that she was a very angry, especially toward the end; that she was saying such bad words you couldn’t even repeat them even if you could hear them clearly enough and that she was feeling about the position she was in the physical world. She felt that there was nothing she could do to change her position. She recently wrote her autobiography which I typed up and had bound for her and I was struck by how much she had to distort the reality of her experience in order to make her life appear better than it really was. The anger I had previously felt toward her turned to sadness. Somehow it was a hugh relief to know that she now sees the truth even if it is making her very angry. It is easier for me to see that she resented me because I wouldn’t see the world through her own distorted image the world. I was a huge threat to her very sense of self. It was also a huge relief to hear that there is a lot of love for me among my ancestors. I thought my dedication to social justice had pissed most of them off.
You said you saw a dancer when you were describing my mother and that she was in fact a dance teacher, you also said that it was a wild or fast kind of dancing that this was also true, she specialized in Greek dance.
You then went on to describe a woman who was a nurse. This was my Auntie Mo and she told you that my background was in psychology and education and this was indeed my undergraduaate degree in England! I was in the middle of my degree when she passed on. You also said you saw someone playing a piano, perhaps playing Salvation Army tunes and I believe this was also her. She went to a small rural school in England and she was the only person in the school who could play the piano so even when she was very young she had to play the hymns for assembly and she also had to play the “march” as the whole school entered the room for assembly and left again afterwards.
You said you saw a man in a kilt playing the bagpipes. He has a long white beard and sideburns and was standing beside a tower. You said it was a long time ago, it reminded you of Braveheart. You said that this man was “…very high up, not exactly a king but nearly.” I had really no clue who this was except that I know I am descended from the Colquhouns of Luss on Loch Lohmond, my mother’s grandmother’s maiden name was Colquhoun. Since our meeting I wnet to a Scottish shop to buy some Colquhoun tartan to ear to my mother’s funeral and I came across a Colquoun Clan history book from which I learned that Sir Humphry Colquhoun, escaping from the Macgregors had become besieged in one of his castles and while being escorted to bed by way of a spiral staircase up a tower he was shot through the heart by a well aimed Macgregor arrow that came through a loophole. I am certain that this is who you were seeing because at the mere mention of the name Macgregor I have always experienced a shudder in my hear and I never had a clue why that should be. I am going back to England for my parent’s funeral and I will certainly go back to Luss and perhaps visit the castle where Sir Humphry died. The reason why I asked where my mother wanted to be buried was because I myself could not be laid to rest in England feeling such a close connection to my Scottish ancestors and I was concerned that my mother may have wanted to be returned to Luss.
When you told me I had a Native American spirit guide I instantly shut down! It reminded me too much of New Age Religion and I have learned so much about the destructive effects of this on Native American nations today. However you said you saw him putting me on a horse and I know that there I know that there is no way from my appearance that I have a passion for horses. I only feel spiritually whole when I am on the back of a horse. My psychoanalytic interpretation of this is not pleasant so jump at the opportunity to think of it as obedience to my spirit guide! Although I can’t imagine why an deceased Native American would want to help a Western European! I do believe though that I have some Native American ancestry. When I asked who they were you said you saw tee pees so it would be from out west. This was a little surprising as I believed they were from the border of New York and Canada which would suggest Mohawk. However, a cousin believes that they were way out west on the border of Montana and Canada. You said you saw a young girl who had many horses but has let them run free. That is certainly how I feel about my horses and I give them as much liberty as I possibly can. Even when I do let them out though they just tend to hang around the house and follow me around the yard when I ‘m working out there. You also said you saw a farrier and this is someone I feel I want to know more about.
There were a number of people that you described who I just couldn’t place, especially the man in the bar who was disgustingly drunk. That could have been many men in our family but when you said “prohibition” and “gangsters” I feel certain it must have been someone in the U.S. Perhaps my mother’s grandfather. I feel very strongly that I need to get in touch with him. I thought he was in the Mohawk ancestry and I know he’s buried somewhere in upstate New York but I really want to know exactly where. I have a strong feeling that he needs a lot of spiritual healing.
You said you saw a bulldozer clearing away dirt and there was so much dirt it was never going to be cleared up. I wasn’t sure if that was my son with excavating business or whether they were referring metaphorically to the psychological dirt in the family that needed healing or whether it was the contents of my parent’s houses and three bay barn in England. I feel exhausted just thinking about it!
When I came to you I was totally skeptical. Because of my own self doubt I constantly try to interpret the communications of the dead from a psychoanalytic perspective. Our meeting has completely restored my faith in myself and my intuitions and I feel so very much stronger and empowered to deal with my life in this world. I am also certain that I will be coming back to meet with you before too long. The meeting was certainly a life transforming experience and I am very glad that I came to you.
Steve’s Reading for Nevada
As Steve held the photo of Nevada he soon began to talk in the tone and style of a spirit reading; the rapid and spontaneous flow of information about the people and sensations he felt connected with. in Spirit regarding Nevada. At first a woman is being described; someone I do not know, yet feel she could be a great aunt, a European woman, immigrant to New York city from Germany. Steve is able to describe this personality in vivid detail-she is older, balding. She lost her hair for some reason, she also has heavy legs for her size, she is a city dweller and doesn’t exercise enough. This woman apparently has a reason to come through and to show her concern for Nevada. She is someone who speaks in sharp words, doesn’t mince them, very adamant about her opinions. The main thing she warns about is quack doctors, or listening to the wrong advice from physicians, she is very sharp in her opinions about doctors. Don’t follow blindly what they say.
I’m thinking that maybe this personality trait might be hereditary-a self-defense mechanism; a healthy skepticism to live by; (I also wonder if on some spirit level there is a connection with her and Nevada’s health concerns) a karmic relationship maybe.
Steve is also bringing through more people and describes Nevada’s paternal side of the family(who we only recently learned about)-the Brombergs. The descriptions of the people seemed to fit.-the theater and music, costumes, etc. Also, the European languages and countries. I felt the connection with Harold Blomberg.
When Steve mentioned Rose by name I really knew she was there in spirit connecting with Nevada still; the power of love still there. Throughout the reading I felt their presence for Nevada; that she has many people in Spirit who care. I was moved to tears to hear this reading.
Going back in to the reading; Steve mentions that winter, particularly the month of January is a period that will bring more healing and understanding for Neveda. (of course January 3 is her birthday).
I’m thinking that perhaps some of the medical attention she gets will resolve some for the concerns about her pain in joints and maybe other areas of health. Maybe our health insurance will come through after all the effort to get her into MassHealth.
Hi there!! I just wanted to thank you again for the reading you did for me and my sister. You were spot on in describing my personality and relationships. It was amazing! I am working on my emasculating and other issues! [:)] Also working on opening the door to the spirit world and connecting with that energy again.
I have to tell you, that the information you gave me was unbelievably accurate. I asked the young female I had immediately thought of during the reading if she had a male relative that had been in the car accident due to speeding and alcohol, and she did in fact have a male cousin that met that fate. What are the odds? Very slim in my opinion. I have passed on his message for her. I was afraid to ask specifically if he was decapitated, but she did share that he slammed his car into a stone wall and was “unrecognizable” between the mangled wreck and the fire that engulfed it. Enough for me.
Thank you again for your energy and reading. It is so rare to find someone with a real connection to the spirit world. I very much look forward to seeing you again the next time you are in Massachusetts!
I saw you at Cassadaga and hope to do so again. I have always been interested in parapsychology but I am a behavioral psychologist so I tend to be concrete. The reading you gave me was amazing. It was absolutely my ex husband and it has changed my life. How does a phone reading work and do you do them? You are my hero!
Today, I was very fortunate to have a reading with Steve. He is a very gifted medium – his evidence was accurate, detailed and conveyed with compassion and I am very grateful for the new insights I now have.
Sharon Johnson
Just wanted you to know how accurate you really are.
I know you already know this I just have to tell you.
I am going to work in the West for this location as well.
Everything spot on. It was in great detail, I just could not get it at the time you told me Oct 12, 2011.
I now understand why you are a great platform Medium Rare.
Thanks. Again, God Blessed you,
I am a past recipient of your talents. As I had a sore throat ; you asked me to sing You are my Sunshine…which I would have usually ..but my voice was gone during our session. This session took place in Holyoke, Massachusetts in 2006 late fall i believe. I remember your reading consisting of me having a Native American soldier dressed in full gear with me (my ancestors are native A…Pompey Lawton my Great Grand Father..Maxie Lawton also…my grandfather) also a great description of my recently passed away father….Jimi Hendrix came to you with me ( I am also left handed and play a different type of the popular music) and it made me realize that there were people like myself …but just more tuned in…..I would like to find out where your upcoming event will be held. I had a great time watching your gift in action and hopefully I will be able to learn how to tune my dark and lite thoughts (dark…overwhelming….and lite= easy to talk about…) Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the day.
I would like to take a minute to thank you for this mornings reading. I was not sure who the man with military/airplane background was but then the “aha” moment came and now I know who it was. It was my boyfriends father who was in Air force, was fascinated by airplanes, he did not work on them but his mind was of an engineer. Mystery is solved, Thank you again for lovely conversation.
Steve, your reading was fantastic! I cannot thank you enough. You provided me with such incredible spiritual guidance as well as incredibly accurate communication from loved ones in spirit. I cannot recommend you highly enough!! Thank you for being such a genuine, gifted and inspiring soul.
Heather Tobin
Wow a blast from the past! Do you remember when you told me I was going to be a doctor? I totally didn’t believe you…well I’m not, but you were really close. I’m a physician assistant which wasn’t very common back 10 yrs ago but you said you saw me in a white lab coat with a stethoscope & yup this is how I spend most of my days 🙂 ….not right now though as I am on maternity leave. Thought you would enjoy the feedback. Hope all is well.
Heather Meffen
Steve Hermann , you gave me a very special and helpful reading!
Sometimes it can be a challenge to give another Medium a reading… This was not the case!
I give thanks to God! and You for being a channel , the guides and my deceased relatives!
When you first heard let go and let god ! that meant more than you can know.. I have been working really hard at this regarding my family and this affirmation helped! This has been a major issue in my life lately!
Then you spoke of writing… I have always known I would write a book and lately I have been telling people that it will be different and I could not explain how .. I just knew that when I was done it would be about something different and you affirmed for me! Yes , I would be writing a book and by the time I was done it would be about something different that what I had started with.
My Mom came thru… you heard the song ” We all live in a Yellow Submarine” the Beatles are very significant to us and at her funeral we played Beatles songs … That was her way of saying I’m here….
You spoke of Emily Dickinson .. She was our favorite poet when I was young…
A relative came thru who showed you cards , we are a lot alike, passed over in 50’s quick wit, intuitively developed, Eastern Europe… ( She was Polish ) folk traditions , gathered herbs… This was my Grandma Martha.. She was Polish .. Passed at 53…. did playing card readings for people .. always knew when someone in the family had passed over the minute they did..She would gather herbs and boil them whenever someone was sick… She and I were a lot alike ! It was so nice to hear from her and that she was saying” go girl”
Steve , you gave so much helpful information regarding my Son ! and you were right on ! For him I will not be able to share for his privacy… I am so grateful!
I will talk to you soon! It was a blessing sharing with you!
I am really grateful to have the opportunity to meet you. Thanks specially for the healing, you are awesome. The last two days I had been so sad even when I tried to think about something different sometimes I just started crying. After the healing, that night I sleep so good and next day I felt so much better.
I never doubt God is the source of all my good, However, now I have a clear view of my beliefs, my faith in God as the source of everything. Thanks, God Bless You.
Subject: Thanks just doesn’t seem like enough…
I just wanted to tell you how truly grateful I am for having the chance to work with you in Onset, MA a couple of weeks ago. I don’t want to sound clichéd, but ever since the brief time that we spent together during the breakout session at your Spiritual Physician seminar, my life has not been the same. I’m not sure what it was specifically – perhaps it was a combination of receiving the medium messages and healing energy, plus listening to your meditation CD – that created such a profound change within me. Whatever it was, I am eternally grateful for the healing I received.
The information I am about to share is very personal, but I think you should know because I literally owe my life to you. I have suffered from a food addiction/eating disorder for almost 20 years. During that time, I’ve gone to various counselors and tried to control it on my own, but was repeatedly unsuccessful. When I mustered the willpower to stop for a few days, the obsessive thoughts about food still lingered. In addition, my anxiety levels had been on the rise lately, and as a result, I started taking prescription medication just to get through the day and to sleep every night.
After the energy work you performed on me, words cannot describe how unbelievably “grounded” I felt for the first time in my life. The inner peace and tranquility I left with that night was something foreign, yet welcome. On top of that, I was beyond moved by the accuracy of the reading you gave where you accurately described my current health situation (due to the eating disorder) and passed along a message from my recently deceased dog, which was also accurate.
For the first time in over 20 years, I have freedom from anxiety and obsessive thoughts about food. Over the last two weeks, I finally feel “normal” and am now gifted with more time to focus on ways to help animals and make the world a better place (versus obsessing over food or stressing out over situations I cannot control). I am also no longer dependent on the daily anti-anxiety pills I was taking. Instead, I listen to your CD every night, and sleep more soundly and dream more vividly than I ever did before. I have retold this story to my counselor, primary care physician, and close family members who are all in awe of what you’ve done for me. I will continue to retell my story and pass your contact information along to others so that they, too, can benefit from your gifted ability as a medium and healer. An outsider could easily scoff at what I am saying and shrug it off as a “mind over matter” scenario. However, I know it is more than that and you are truly a gifted healer.
Saying “thank you” just doesn’t seem like enough. I apologize for the lengthy message, but I just wanted you to know how amazing I think you are and how grateful I am for ever crossing paths with you. I have my life back, and it all happened within a matter of minutes, thanks to you.
Love and peace,
I’m hoping you had a lovely stay in Florida and will see your family soon! I’m having a much more relaxing few days feeling less anxiety than I’ve felt in a while. After someone in a reading with you told me I needed iodine, I went to my nutritionist who said I needed iodine. It was uncanny. But not surprising. I can’t tell you have meaningful it has been for me to be able to have your readings to “hold my hand” during a very difficult time for me. I refer to them all the time and am trying toward self improvement through them. So thanks Steve, and thanks for working with me on short notice recently too! You are a gem in my life and I”m grateful.
My husband would love to do a reading with you for one hour. Do you have any time in the next few days? Thanks.
Everyone was just so amazed. You really made believers out of all of them, I was already a believer. Our feelings are just indescribable!!! Your ability to work with people is awesome!! I am so glad that you were able to do this visit for us. We hope to have another chance to get another group session again some time and get more people involved. I wish more people I knew would have a little more faith and at least come and listen to you at least once!! I think they would end up speechless, and that would be something to see. Some people think I’m crazy. I’ve always had to listen to how I’m being scammed and how I’m a fool for trusting and believing in people like you and for believing in communicating with our loved ones who’ve passed on. Some people are fake, and I don’t believe that everybody can do what you do. I do Believe in you though. It’s hard to find any reason to doubt you!!! You just say some incredible things that are exactly true and it’s information that no one else would know!! you really floored us!! I was totally thrilled to see everyone’s reactions. I didn’t really expect some of these guys to react like they did. They are BELIEVERS!!!
The session with Steve was rather amazing and specific in many aspects. To give you a little background, my father died in 1994. My parents had been married for 53 years and my mother was totally devastated upon his death. She tried so hard to rebound, but had spent so much of her life devoting herself to my father that she had trouble trying to find her identity after he was gone. She attempted to laugh and live, but failed due to her profound sadness. For years she never shed a tear and, always a devout Christian, began to doubt her belief in God and any existence of an afterlife. As the years following my father’s death unfolded, she developed congestive heart failure, emphysema, and Parkinson’s disease. Her only sibling, Frances, was always her closest friend and confidant, but had since 1995 suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and gradually ceased to know my mom. I remember the last visit they had where my aunt looked right through my mom. It just about broke my mom’s heart. Anyway, all these things coupled with the fact that she contracted pneumonia almost yearly and had almost died on more than one occasion, made my mom dependent upon me, her nearest child geographically. I am one of four daughters.
Before my father died because my family and I lived only three miles away, I became the chief caretaker and spent literally most of my free time helping care for my father, and after his death, for my mother. I tried my hardest to always assist them make decisions and offer as much support as possible without stripping them of independence. When the time came that my mother could no longer make those decisions, I attempted to preserve her dignity as much as possible and make the choices that I believe she would have made. Near the end, she became totally dependent on me and often would put her entire trust and faith in me even to the exclusion of her other daughters (sometimes making it a bit uncomfortable when they would visit and she would turn to me and say “Ruthie, what do YOU think I should do?”).
Anyway, when she was dying in the local hospital hospice unit, we each, one by one, went in to see her and to say what we felt. She shared with me that I had always been there for her and that, if it hadn’t been for me, she would never have made it as far as had. By this time, she had almost lost the use of her legs, relied upon inhalers and oxygen, and fought a valiant struggle to keep her mind clear as the Parkinson’s disease was robbing her of her ability to think and to speak. Amazingly, on that day, her mind was as clear as a bell and she had regained her ability to speak totally articulately. She told me that I had been the kindest to her of anybody and that she had never doubted that everything I had done for her was one hundred per cent in her best interest. She thanked me and told me that she loved me and that she would try to return as a butterfly to visit often. (We often joked as we sat on her front porch that overlooked the beautiful Penobscot Bay that every butterfly was probably Dad just popping by to say hello.)
I am still attempting to deal with some delicate family issues in the wake of her death and have tried, once again, to do what I thought she would have me to do. Some of it has not been easy and I have, on occasion, experienced doubt as to how I am handling everything. I had Power of Attorney and am now Executor of the Will. Anyway, you can imagine my amazement when you shared the following with me
1. You told me that a female spirit had come through and you were feeling numbness in your legs, restricted breathing and felt as though you had trouble speaking. (All of my mom’s symptoms.)
2. You told me that this female spirit wanted to thank me for taking care of her in her illness and that she never could made it without me. You said that I was her chief caretaker and when everybody else was busy or couldn’t make it to help her for one reason or another, I was always there to help her. (This was almost verbatim from my last conversation with her!!)
3. You said she wanted me to know that she was sorry that she hadn’t listened more and forced her opinions on people less. (I’m not sure about that as she was a gentle person. We, however, have some family discord that split the family hear the end of her life, and her undying loyalty to the person who caused all the problems, often made it difficult for some family members to accept. I think that this comment made by her through you may be relative to this.)
4. You said that you saw an elephant and that an elephant never forgets. (This didn’t mean a thing until I mentioned it to my sister. She said: ” You remember how many times Mimi would say to you that you never forgot anything and that if anyone needed to know anything about the past, they would ask you because you remember everything?” She would even giggle and say; “An elephant never forgets”.
5. You told me that another female spirit was with her and the name “Frances” came to mind. (I nearly fell off the chair. As I have said, my mother’s only sibling was her sister Frances and she just died two months before my mom. We all said when Auntie Fran died, my mother would give up living, which is just what happened.
6. You said that there was a male spirit with Frances and that he was a strong character and appeared in complete control but in reality let a lot of people down. (This description probably fits my uncle , although I wouldn’t want my cousin to know I think that!)
7. You said that another male spirit was coming through and that he saw things around my house that needed fixing. He also was concerned over the safety of our deck. (My dad was an ardent handyman and my husband isn’t. Many things in our house need fixing. Our large deck does not have a rail around it and my husband and I have had words about the safety of it as our first two grandchildren were born this year and one of them is on the verge of beginning to walk.)
8. I think that the thing that pleased me the most was when you let me ask a question at the end of the session and I asked if the female spirit that was coming through so strongly and the male spirit concerned about the deck were together, You said “Yes they are, and he is helping her sort through things and find peace”. After all her years of suffering after my Dad’s death, I am so happy to think that they might be together in eternity.
I was also pleased that you told me that the female spirit said that she was always at my side and that my decisions are right on. The huge void that my mom’s passing left in me is just a little less painful knowing that she just might be standing beside me through the next few years. I don’t know if there is an afterlife and if this reading means something. All I know is that you hit very accurately on many aspects of my life and on my mother’s life. And I now know that there is so much that we have yet to understand and that there seems the possibility that some of this is true. I guess I want to believe that my parents are happy and are together so that’s what I choose to believe. And I thank you for helping me draw that conclusion by providing me with such a spectacular reading.
Because during my stay in Alachua I couldn’t understand and “absorb” everything you told me, now I am carefully listening the tape in order to choose later the most interesting things. Let me tell you about one recent episode.
You said to me that from the world of spirit you saw a man and a woman, my relatives, from the time around WWII with pigs around them.
To be honest, when nowadays I heard it, I though that this is non-sense. I even didn’t want to tell nobody about this statement in order my relatives not to think that you didn’t tell the truth (unlike for another things that you guessed). Namely, even my grand-mother and grand-father lived in the centre of the town and there was no way they to keep pigs… (At least I thought that…)
Two days ago I visited my 77-year old mother. We watched TV about some protests of the milk producers in my country… Suddenly she said to me: “When I was young we didn’t have problem with the food since we kept two pigs at our home.”
I was almost shocked. “But didn’t you live in the center of the town? How could you keep pigs?”, I asked her.
“So, what if we lived in the centre?” – replied my mom – “We had in our yard a special place for the pigs.”
“And when was that?”, I asked.
“During the war.”, answered my mom, leaving me in deep thoughts…
I am stressing that she ON HER OWN INITIATIVE told me about the pigs… (Even I still didn’t tell her about my visit until an article will appear).
I believe that her mother and father choose pigs as a sign for me to recognize them, knowing that my mom later will confirm this… So this is another success from you…
Alex Donski
At the Shrine of the Master in Sarasota Florida I had a great Reading with you. You bought through My Husband Emmett and proof of his being around me was to be VERY easy to spot !! Two days later my door key no longer worked in My front door…but the old key did !! My friend Diana had come to pick me up for Healing & I got her out of her car to see this…and confirm. This went on for 3 day’s and then switched back to normal. Thank you Steve, great proof of the power of Spirit and My Husbands “thing” about keys. I still think of the wonderful energy you gave to our Healing that Saturday morning, it was such a joy to have you with us. Harry is still working with us and we have had some wonderful Healings. Miss you, please come back soon.
Lisa Johnson
The place I have been since the healing with you Friday night is just amazing. I have so much to say about the healing itself and the trip to Maine. I didn’t say goodbye but I know you understand. I drove home by the light of the moon. It was over my left shoulder for a long stretch of the journey. I literally was shedding layers on the trip up to Maine and back as well. I felt it physically, mentally and spiritually. It’s truly amazing. My neck brace was literally becoming part of my body having to wear it since June. I couldn’t be without it for even a short time. Since my healing with you I haven’t had to wear it. . I even left it at home for the trip to Maine. I thought of bringing it but kept faith I wouldn’t need it again. The sharp pains are gone that went from my heck into my head. My vision has improved. I didn’t need my glasses much of the trip to Maine. I am so thankful and have so much more to put into words but I’m downloading information so fast I’m trying to enjoy the ride.
I am highly educated historian and a writer from European country Republic of Macedonia. I met Steve Hermann on the 19th of July 2008 at his house in Alachua, Florida . There he did a session with me which is completely recordered on camcorder from a friend of mine (a lady)who was also present there.
I must say that I was amazed from what this extraordinary man told me. When he told me details about my dead father and uncle I was shocked and I almost cried when later I left him. From other details, he told me that soon I am going to deal with filming of one of my books, but negotiations would be not successfull, although later everything would be OK. When I came home, I was surpsised when my partner told me that, while I was absent, he had negotiated with one film director about my book, but the negotiations were unsuccessful.
Steve also described my dead uncle stressing that he was a painter of modern art living a not so“usual” (bohemian) life, as well my father(also a painter) about whom he told me a details that I’ll NEVER forget! I am stressing that THERE IS NO WAY for Steve to learn from before these details! I live ten thousand miles from him and until the last moment our meeting was uncertain. He also told me other things about myself, that for now, I’ll keep for myself until I publish a book about this.
I am encouraging everyone who wants a real and honest experience in this field to visit Mr. Steve Hermann. You will be surprised at what he’ll tell you, but in the same time, you might be happy after he undoubtabily persuades you that your dead loved ones are still alive and happy!
Alex Donski
Sorry it has taken me a bit to get back to you. This experience has just been so powerful for me.
Having said that, before I give you the account of my recollection of who the young woman was/is that was so present with us, I would like to let you know that ‘she’ is someone who has only passed a little over a year ago. We did political work together. I didn’t know her well…but I knew her girlfriend very well. after her tragic passing, many people have been threaded together (people not just including me…but a larger, collective community of people….some who know each other and others who don’t).
And…then, since my connecting with Cheryl Alexander about you, then having that powerful session with you…my connections to others have quickly, but naturally deepened on amazing and unexpected intimate levels….that include friendship, love and the general power of love in human connection.
So…the whole afternoon after i left you I was think of all the spirits that came through, and was so curious as to who the young woman was that was so present. In the session I was distracted by the strength of my desire to learn everything possible about the person you mentioned in the “institution.” That was why I came to you, really. Even though, I said to myself, “just let this go wherever it may go.” I sooo wanted to hear about this one person. But, there she was….this young woman. With all the spirit filling up the room; threading the whole session with her grace and love. As she kept returning i decided just to let go and not try to figure out who she was….and I did. I let go.
Throughout the day I remembered you saying that it might be useful to talk to a family member about those who came through that were unidentifiable to me. With much nervousness, I called my mother. I really feared she might make light of this powerful experience I had with sarcasm, or dismissal. But, I called nonetheless. I directed the conversation in such a way that it didn’t allow for room for ridicule. I dove in and told her about everything. She heard me and seemed interested, curious…but, she had no idea, either, who this young woman could be.
Off to work i went, letting go again of thinking about this young woman.
Late that night I went for a walk. it was so cold outside, being late December and all. I didn’t have a hat on and occasionally I felt my forehead getting numb! I was thinking and walking and thinking and walking. I was moving rather quickly. and, suddenly….there it was! I stopped dead in my tracks, holding both hands to my head….”Meg! it was Meg!” The young woman with me so powerfully today was Meg. A rush of heat streamed through my head. It was hot, overwhelming, and I was certain…it was Meg.
I have since been comforted by this; and, I want to tell you that others are (and have been) seeing/experiencing Meg since her passing (including Cheryl, who didn’t even know her).
Again, this whole experience has brought people closer together. Relationships are deeper and life is currently being experienced in a richer, more vibrant way. For this I thank you, Steve. I hope this has been helpful. For peace and justice.
It was with some excitement that I answered the phone at noon, as I was expecting a prearranged call from Stephen.
The reading began with a gentle prayer for clarity, healing and guidance. I was open to receiving whatever was given, but I was not really prepared for the clarity of the reading, where several known friends and family members joined us to further validate my already deep beliefs that when the body dies, it is just another beginning..
Stephen described a lady who was making herself known. A lady, short and stocky, with a strong character-so strong that people often avoided her for fear of confrontation. He explained that this lady hated “yes men”, when Stephen added she was presenting me with postcards of interesting, historic places, it make me smile for my friend, always hungry for knowledge and travel, delighted in sending me pictures of far away places. Stephen went on to say he saw letters and they were perfumed-Yes, this was Carol she brings a warning for me: to beware of overeager people trying to get into my life.
I immediately recognized the strong lady as Carol, a close friend of mine who died some years ago in a tragic car accident. Carol and I shared an interest in the metaphysical and while Stephen described her as formable and confrontational, a person often avoided by more peaceful souls, I knew Carol as a strong woman, who feared nobody and had a deep passion for seeking out sincerity and truth and would openly expose anyone who pretended to be what they weren’t, or proclaimed view when did not know all the facts. Carol was not so much argumentative for it’s own sake, but a warrior of truth. A great friend and a fearsome enemy she had but a few close friends and many acquaintances. It was so obvious to me that the strong lady was Carol, not least of all that she appeared first-Carol never shy in promoting herself would come first and when Stephen added this lady was helping me fit together the big picture, the pieces of my life like a jigsaw, I knew for certain as we’d spent many an hour competing with jigsaw puzzles, this was both symbolic and confirmation. Carol was an instinctive judge of character and could spot a wanna be, or charlatan at a hundred yards. So I take her warning seriously.
Then Stephen talks of a Chinese guide, an oriental man of wisdom. This was particularly interesting because I have been told before I have an Oriental Guide.
This too was confirmation, as although not a person of my past on no less than three previous occasions I have been told I have an oriental guide.
Now closer to home Stephen talks of a Bill, or Billy.
I don’t know any Bill, or Billy that’s passed, but even as he speaks I look up to family wall, where hangs a collection of ancestral photographs and my eye goes toward William Ostler, my paternal Great Great Grandfather, although I’d always known him as William, this was only through research of formal document and as he was such a modest man, a hawker by trade, it made sense he’d be more affectionately known as Bill, or Billy. He too has a message and demonstrates protective feelings toward me-described as tall and sturdy, yes that’s our William! He talks about money and too bringsa warning that people are not always what they seem “Pick and choose who you do business with and beware of praise” He counsels me through Stephen. I recognize the warning as it relates to my immediate problems.
Stephen reassures me that I have a close connection and there are many spirits around me-but the messages are all very clear: Don’t take people at face value-beware of hidden agendas and an ego warning not to be seduced by praise.
Now Stephen has two soldiers: One is flamboyant military dress and another in fatigues with a gas mask similar to World War I. Both my Grandfather’s served and survived the Great War. Sidney, my paternal Grandfather was a career soldier and his rank did afford him traditional dress uniform, whereas my maternal Grandfather was a call-up solder who served in the notorious trenches in France.
It made so much sense…
Stephen shares that he now sees a medal, or a crown.
This is very relevant. Both my Father and his Father, Sidney, were Sergeant Majors-Sidney reached the rank of WO2-a regular Sergeant Major and my Father surpassed that by becoming a WO1-the highest rank of a non-commissioned officer, but more salient to Stephen’s description is that the badge for both these ranks is a crown. My Father earned the Burma Star for his efforts in the last war.
Stephen says he almost sees royality involved here.
The above described ranks are “Royal Commissions”, so it’s making even more sense. Metals are also important to me as I am the rightful inheritor of both my Grandfather’s and my Father’s metal collections and I am at present trying to retrieve these from my step brother who has already agreed to sending them as my Father intended. This is both validation and reassurance.
Stephen now has another lady, an Ellen, or Helen, who appears like a Victorian nurse. He says seeing her surrounded by children.
My maternal Great Grandmother was registered as Helen, but baptized and always known as Ellen. A stern, Victorian lady who raised my mother and her siblings when my Mother’s Mother died when my Mum was just a child. She was not a nurse, but in all her photos, she wears a full-length white smock to protect her clothes. The many children make sense-she raised five children of her own and then when her son’s wife died, although in her eighties she took on the role of caring for her five grandchildren.
Stephen mentions a lady who is perhaps a schoolteacher-a formidable Victorian Lady:
My Great Aunt Dolly, AKA Evelyne was a Victorian schoolteacher, with whom I spent many summers with as a child. No children of her own, she surrounded herself with her Great Nieces and Nephews-summers as a child were a bit like going to school though. She was strict, but loving, an accomplished pianist, she tried and failed to share her love of music to us children-the best we ever preformed was poor rendition of Chopsticks, but she never gave up and frequently we spent hot afternoons in her dark parlor, gathered around the treasured piano singing “old fashioned” songs like Daisy, which Auntie considered very modern.
Money and Business opportunities kept coming up along with warnings about tempting, but less than ethical business dealings with gangster types.
This was very relevant to my present issues. We are at present investigating various business proposals at the threshold of some important decisions. The tough part is deciphering the good guys from the bad…
Stephen asks if I have any specific questions.
I explain my Mother died last year and because I live abroad I didn’t have the opportunity to say goodbye. He doesn’t easily find a connection here, but explains she is still in healing with unresolved issues-this I totally understand, but then he speaks of smelling rabbit stew. Rabbit Stew was one of my Mom’s favorites-Yuck it was awful! Then he sasy he’s being given a Rhubard Pie. My Mom considered Rhubard to be a cure-all and he says there’s a James, or a Jim trying to come through. Jim was my Mother’s favorite, younger brother who passed over a few years earlier and with whom my Mum had close connections-she’d often seen him in dreams and was forever convinced he was always with her.
Stephen now brings in an older lady. A Meg, or a Mag. Auntie Maggie was my mother’s Great Aunt and the ancient family Matriarch until she passed two years ago and it’s too this lady that I owe my great debt of gratitude to be the heir to all the old family photos. She mentions the name Ann.
My name is Annie, but the family knew my Mother as Nan, so I feel this is Aunt Maggie trying to bring Mum through.
Now Stephen brings in an American Indian, who wants to surround me with turquoise stones.
Before leaving the UK, when my father was very sick with terminal cancer, we worked with a spiritual healer who channeled the spirit of Running Bear, an ancient Indian. The spirit of Running Bear impacted all of our lives: my Father regained use of his body and did not suffer in too much pain until his final days, Running bear gave us time to heal before my father departed. It was no surprise he appeared.
The Native American has a message, “Not everyone you meet is on the same spiritual plane”.
This was confirmation indeed, Running Bear had often counseled me when we were balancing traditional medicine and spiritual healing for my Dad to never forget: “We don’t all walk the same Spiritual path at the same time”.
Stephen invites me to ask any questions.
I ask about my marriage: I remarried about 8 years ago and was very happy until I discovered my husband being unfaithful last year, ironically almost a day to the day of this reading.
Stephen repeats his messages about people not being all that they seem and the importance of staying peaceful, but reserved, while seeking out a more spiritual group. He counsels me to accept invitations from younger people and that he sees a young-set celebration on the horizon.
This makes so much sense: I love the vitality of younger people and have friends of the same age as my own children-late twenties , early thirties.
Stephen now says he’s being shown aerobics-perhaps a message to get fit and tone up. You’re not Dead yet!
I explain that since my Stroke last June, I have not undertaken physical therapy and have regained use fo the left side of my body, but beyond that I have no leaning toward physical exertion, but I heed the message. Since my stroke I have slowed down considerably, but still love to dance and swim, but perhaps I should do more.
Stephen now senses a man called Thomas.
This is difficult: I have nine Thomas’ in my direct family chart, going back to as early as 1540.
No this is not that old, perhaps victorian, he adds he sees a Top Hat.
I now know exactly which Thomas-I have a photo, circa 1860 of my Great, Great Grand Father Thomas Woolams. The photo is a treasure as it’s one of the earliest and shows Thomas with a yes, Top Hat. Thomas verifies earlier messages about not judging people on face value-Thomas was a sucessful businessman, so I again heed these words carefully.
Stephen announces the arrival of a loyal dog-hound like in appearance.
Rufus was my dearest friend for over 17 years and although he passed over 20 years ago, I still miss that scruffy rogue. I’ve never had a dog since, because Rufus is just not replaceable-he was amazing. A real mixed Mutt, but the most wonderful spirit, a dog that I rescued from an animal sanctuary. Rufus never left my side and his loyalty was both humbling and a real joy in my life.
The reading ended in a similar fashion to how it began, with a gentle prayer of gratitude. I had hoped to make some connections, but the clarity and clear validations that Stephen channeled were amazing. I’d sought guidance both for my personal and business dealings -the answers were so clear, proceed with caution and don’t take things at face value- I need to understand that not everyone is operating on the same level spiritually and finally I need to seek out new people who share my beliefs. Thank you Stephen.
As per my reading on the 18th of May you were able to see my Father and Brother. My Father had passed over 24 years ago. He was basically a good man. But he drank heavy. He had molested my Sister the worst. Only touched me and my other Sisters. I don’t know if he touched my Brother.
My Brother passed over almost two years ago. He had done drugs and also was an alcoholic. He died of liver cancer. There was a lot of hurt in my family. I was happy though when you read for me that my Brother and Father had come to terms with each other in the after life. It did my heart good to know this. And at the time before when you read for me, you told me that my Brother wished he could have gotten to know me better. My Brother and I stopped talking for about 15 years ago. One and a half years before he died, we started talking. We didn’t have much time together, but now I know I will see him again and we will get to know each other and to really really know my Father and Brother have made amends.
You also told me about an Indian Medicine Man, I believe he was my Great Grandfather, and for some reason even not knowing him I ‘ve always felt close to him. You said he was my Guide. You also said I may not be able to handle some things in my relationship that I thought I could. I have to tell you I don’t know if I can handle some things, unless they change. But I do love him and hope all will work out well. I will call you in about 6 months. Thank you for putting my heart at peace about the after life. All light around you peace and good and to bless you with moe than you ever dreamed of. Thank you.
Dolores Sippel
Loved your message circle last night! You really gave me a gift. My dad came through and all the info you recieved was so very important to me. Thank You!
Mary Flanagan Goodman
I am so thankful that my friend Kathleen brought me to your recent event in Hauppauge. I use the healing CD daily, sometimes 2 or 3x. It brings calm when my boys Sam-10 and Jack-12 are in the battling frame of mind. Its also great to listen to when I’m lying awake in the middle of the night. Or first thing in the morning. I recently looked into the Ascension/lightworker reference that you posted on FB and have entered a new phase, looking for opportunities to forgive instead of blame. I had a few days to myself over the holiday and it has been wonderful gift to have your message to guide me. Thank you! God Bless you, please keep us in your prayers.
Ann Keehbauch Loud, Jack and Sam Loud
Notes regarding readings from Reverend Steve Hermann:
The first tme I heard Reverend Hermann was the summer of 1998 at Pine Grove in Niantic, Connecticut. I had only been coming to Pine Grove for a couple of weeks, even though spirituality was something I had always believed in. He told me he saw a young man stacking wood very neatly. Earlier that day, I had been cleaning out some old papers, etc. When I picked up a book, an old newspaper clipping fell out onto the floor. It was at least 16 years old and I never even realized it was in the book. The article told how and when to sign up for a state wood lot. At the time, we had a wood furnace, and who brother (who passed August 28, 1997) would sign up for the state wood lots whenever he could. He was also very fussy about how he stacked his split wood. For a year, I had been searching for a message from Mike. I felt this was definitely from him.
The next time I received a message through Reverend Hermann was at the New London Spiritualist Church during the following winter. On that morning, he told me he saw a young man in a low, flat fishing boat-someone who enjoyed just sitting out on the water, fishing and relaxing. Then he made a motion with his arm like the bow of the boat lifting out of the water, and said to me, “He also liked to go fast in this boat”. Mike and I spent many days fishing on quiet lakes in his bass boat, and he did like to drive it fast across the lakes from time to time. I used to tell him there was a fine line between breathing and not breathing because the wind would take my breath away when he went fast, and we would both laugh over it.
Both these messages were important to me, as I was anxious to receive a message either from Mike, or about Mike.
The week of August 23-28, 1999, I had two readings from Reverend Hermann. During the first session, he saw a woman, similar to me, who did kind things for others, but for selfish reasons-to be liked by others, or to get credit for being kind to others. She said for me not to be like her. At first I thought this could be my mother, but she was not at all selfish. She cared about helping others whenever she could, and never thought of herself. I’m not sure who this woman was-perhaps my Aunt Julie, who was a rather self-centered person who seldom did anything for others-perhaps someone I did not know. He told me of a man near me with chest problems(My Father died when I was one and a half years old from a massive heart attack)-he was giving me a red rose(I have been told this before-the red rose-from the same man) and I’m sure it is my father. There was another woman tending to chickens and milking cows, but I have no idea at this time who she might be, or the symbolic reason for this. Perhaps later I will understand.
He also mentioned a small child in my life who would be important to me. My best friend has an eight month old grandson. I was invited to be there when he was born, and he is a very important person in my life right now, and I hope, in the future, also.
I was told by spring there would be a new beginning, a new career perhaps. I am currently not working, and looking for the right job opportunity. He said he saw trees and leaves falling, so perhaps by fall I will have a new job. (I certainly hope so, as I cannot get through the winter without working.) There was also mention of my creativity- I do many crafts-painting, quilting, pottery, candle making, etc.
A few things about the first session (mainly the selfish woman) didn’t sit right with me, and I wanted to go a bit deeper, so I scheduled another reading two days later. On that day, he mentioned a woman about my height but heavier (My Grandmother, I think) who had trouble with her legs and feet, and was always unhappy. My Grandmother was diabetic, and had a lot of problems with her legs and feet, and was always unhappy that she had left her family and all her belongings in Greece to come to this country with her husband, who also left his family behind. I don’t think I ever saw her really happy. She told me she didn’t want me to be sad like she was. She was one of the few people who truly card about me when I was a child.
And, he also saw my Mother-a bit shorter than me, and heavier-wants me to move on, and not be depressed, as she was almost always depressed. He said she told him she always felt that she had no choices, but that I do-she always felt trapped. She liked all kinds of music (and she did teach me to like all kinds of music, from country, classical, etc.) She never felt wanted by her family, and thought she was never meant to be happy. She didn’t want her children to feel the same way.
He saw old furniture and appliances that did not work, and I was hitting them with a hammer, trying to fix them- and that I should not try to fix what can’t be fixed, but to move on. Actually, almost every appliance in my house has broken down during this past year and little by little, I have had to replace them! So, part of the reading had a material connection as well as a spiritual message! He said I should not live in the past, but look to the future. At this reading, he still saw a career change for me, but also warned me not to always find fault with the people around me at work-I must admit, I do that- I let people annoy me too easily if I think I am threatened by them, or they don’t appreciate what I am doing. I am very serious about my work, and I can usually be very hard to get along with- I don’t demand perfection, but do expect others to care about how they do things, and about learning to do things right. I’ve been trying to “mellow out” over the last few years. Not only did he see a career growth, but much spiritual growth around me-I should be doing healing and teaching-someday will be able to give readings. He saw the color red around me-said I should be attending classes and developing my abilities-my Brother used to tell me he could feel the heat from my hands when I rubbed his back and that I made him feel so much better. I have many Native American guides around me-and “healing teachers” in medical coats and nursing uniforms. He told me to never feel that I am not capable of healing and communicating with spirit. Since I was a small child, I always felt a strong connection and fascination with Native Americans. I used to think it was just childish fascination but a few years ago that feelings very much stronger. I began collecting Indian art and decorating my home in that style. When I listen to the drums and flute music, I feel a deep peace inside, almost like I become part of the music.
There was a deep spiritual bond between my Mother, my Brother, and myself, and I have always sensed them around me in the house, and wherever I go. I feel that my Mother gave me life, but my younger Brother taught me how to live it. I also get premonitions concerning things that are about to happen, and my dreams seem to be very meaningful as well. He said I’ve been putting off taking care of myself, and doing things for my own benefit for a long time now (I have always put everyone else in my family first-my Mother, my Brother, who needed a lot of care and help) –now I am alone, so I guess it is time for me to take care of “ me”. I am still not sure what purpose I have for being at this time-up to the time I lost Mike, I knew that the reason I was born was to be here for him, but now that he is gone and I am still here, I don’t really understand what my future purpose will be.
Once again, he mentioned a lot of children around me-that I would be doing things with them, going places with them, and that they would be very good for me to be around (lately I have been spending a lot of time with a couple of friends who have young children, which is unusual for me-and I’ve been having a great time with them! I plan to give one 7 year old girl lessons in cake decorating, and I’m looking forward to that very much.)
One very interesting note-he, and several others-have mentioned the need to clear out the clutter-in my physical, emotional, and spiritual life-my emotional state has been very cluttered for the past few years, still feelings the great hurt of losing my Brother, and wanting to “connect” with him spiritually. My physical situation is another story-my house is 35 years of clutter from hobbies we both had, paperwork I handled for the family, and just an accumulation of life’s junk! Little by little, I have been working at clearing out the junk and trying to organize my life!
He still saw the woman gathering the eggs and milking the cows- I still don’t know who that is, or what is means, unless it is a sign of stability coming into my life finally.
I also attended both of his workshops this week. I believe I learned a lot from him, and wish he lived closer so I could attend more of his classes. I came away very enlightened from both sessions.
I’ll close with my opinion of Reverend Hermann- I enjoy hearing him, and receiving messages from him-the atmosphere when he is at church is so upbeat and lively, and I come away from his sermons with a good feeling inside and much to think about.
Joanne Kupis, 1999
My name is Peter. I’m a playwright and musical theatre writer who first met Stephen Hermann in the summer of 1993 at the Temple Heights Spiritualist Camp in Northport, Maine. That August I had my first reading with Stephen, and it was a uniquely memorable and meaningful event. Since then, I have returned periodically to Temple Heights, when Stephen has been in residence at the Camp, for subsequent consultations. While I have not always been able to identify specifically the spirits, based on Stephen’s descriptions, that accompany and surround me on this plane, their specific roles in my current life are crystal clear and make perfect sense.
Stephen’s approach to communing with the spirit world has always assured me of his authenicity as a medium. Upon siiting down opposite Stephen, briefly holding hands, and sharing a moment of prayer with him prior to his commencing a reading, I experience an effable tranquility of spirit, mind and body. I know immediatley when a spirit’s presence is being made known to Stephen because his eyes will look over my shoulder (usually my right shoulder) as he fixes his gaze upon the spirit, and his lips begin to move in silent dialogue with the entity. Soon the silent communion between Stephen and the spirit becomes audible to me, and Stephen shares aloud the information the spirit feels is requistite for me to know. In the course of a reading, usually three to give spirits will offer, through Stephen’s channelings, their Heavenly wisdom for my benefit.
Whenever I say hello and good-bye to Stephen, as our meetings occur only once every two to three years, we usually embrace. When my body comes in contact with Stephen through such an embrace, I sense keenly, a spiritually-charged, psychic energy. Hugging Stephen’s tall and handsome, lithe, lean frame feels, figuaratively, like hugging a human tuning fork. The first time I hugged Stephen good bye at Temple Heights, I was afraid I might have hurt him, because holding Stephen close to me, his bone structure feels deceptively, at least, like what I would imagine a bird’s to feel like, were I to hug a swallow or sparrow. Birds have hollow bones so they are able to take flight. While Stephen’s bones, I know, are solid like mine, it is, nonetheless, almost as if his bones are metaphysically hollow in order to allow him to take spiritual flight from his physical body and to transcend in his ethereal body-beyond the veil-to communicate with the spirit world and to absorb, like a human tuning fork, the spirit world’s rarefied vibrations.
A gallery reading I received through Stephen on July 20, 2003, was particularly poignant for a several reasons–the first and foremost being I really had not thought I would be able to attend; the spirit world, however, had something else in mind. While my artistic vocation as a playwright and musical theatre writer is my real passion, I also have a “day job,” like most artists. My current “day job” is that of hotel concierge fora property in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Weekends, especially in summer, are the busiest time of the week, and while I knew Stephen would be appearing on a Sunday evening at The Spiritualist Church in Portland, Maine, only 62 miles from where I live and work, I felt I would not be able to get away as it was a Sunday night. Ironically, or perhaps true to form as the spirits are our best friends, two days before July 20, I was asked by my general manager if I would mind taking off Sunday, instead of Tuesday, my usual day off. With that unexpected change in my work schedule, I knew immediately it was crucial to see Stephen and hear him speak.
An additional, uncanny footnote to this gallery reading has to do, also, with my aborted, first effort(on August 1, 2003) to record these recollections of that reading and transmit them electronically to Stephen. While I realize it has probably happened to nearly everyone who writes on a PC that one’s text can (through reasons seemingly beyond one’s control) amazingly and frustratingly vanish into cyberspace, never to be seen or read again, such is precisely what happened, yesterday, to my first attempt to record and transmit by e-mail my memories of this reading for Stephen. Then is why, today, I am writing to a “floppy” for subsequent electronic transmissions to Stephen as an “attachment.” I am told spirits often make their presence known by flickering lights or through things electric; and therefore, I cannot help wonder if the spirit who came to me at the gallery reading on July 20 was not behind the “vanishing act” of my original e-mail of yesterday. The spirit (who came to me on July 20) had a difficult temperament when I knew him on this plane, and I cannot help wonder whether he may be perturbed and vindicative about my sharing this reminiscence; yet he came voluntarily to Stephen. Spirits will not appear on command, and my friend Drew, on this plane, was a staunchly stubborn, immovable man. Based on Stephen’s gallery reading from Drew, I doubt that trait of intractablilty has vanished into thin air as my e-mail did.
When Stephen directed his gaze to me that memorable Sunday evening, July 20, 2003, as I sat in a pew of The Westbrook Unitarian Universalist Church (where the Portland(Maine) Spiritualist Church meets), he alluded, if I can remember correctly, to the literary vocational side of me–and not to my current “day job” professional status as a hotel concierge–which immediately suggested that the spirit coming through would be speaking to the artist and playwright in me –and not to the hotel concierge. My intuition proved correct.
Stephen began by stating that the spirit who had a message fro me was someone who would not have been easy to for me to get along with on this plane. Unfortunately, as in all our lives, this general observation can apply to all of us. We have all experienced such people in our lives–friends, relatives, lovers,etc.–who did not make personal relationships easy; however, Stephen went on to suggest this spirit was someone with whom, rationally, I ought not to have become close to but did…which is, sadly, how falling in love can happen. Falling in love can often be an irrational, emotional whirlwind…leaving intellect, common sense, logic, and reason totally out of the equation. That is how it was when I met Drew in New York City in December 1982 on a cross town bus going through Central Park at 65th Street.
I am a gay man, and I had fallen in love with Drew at first sight, despite my common sense. Physically, Drew was tall, blonde, handsome–very much a Nordic type–and in his mid-20s. At the time, I was a man in my mid-30s. Drew was a fashion model and former ballet dancer. Gay, himself, Drew was also married and the father of two beautiful children under five, as well as a member of a non-mainstream, fundamentalist religious sect. While his married status and his religious affilation should have been sufficient to ward me off, they were, ironically, what drew me in. Drew represented family, and for reasons beyond my ken, the idea of a male lover who was married with children became an unshakable obsession. His being a “religious” man made him even more attractive.
Adding to the mix, already fraught with an irreconcilable confusion, I , myself, was involved in a long-term relationship at the time; however, my own immediate, personal circumstances did not stop me from developing a friendship and an adulterous relationship with Drew which continued, at varying levels of intensity, until his death nearly 11 years later. Drew had literary ambitions, and I believe he was attracted to me, in part, because of mine, as well; and so we began a collaborate on screenplays. Our literary collaboration, while legititmate, became a conveniently utilitarian smokescreen to shield us from both his wife and my friend.
For reasons I have never fathomed, I, as a gay man, am invariably attracted to other gay men who will dissemble, men who will put on a facade of innocence behind which they conceal dark, sociopath’s personality that can wreck the havoc of a lifetime on a naively vulnerable and gullible mark like myself. While I have long since forgiven Drew, and while I have never stopped loving the real spirit of Drew, which lay latent within (or was deliberately hidden beneath) his troubled mortal persona, my friendship with Drew was, without question, the most tormented period of my life. About ten and a half years after we had met, Drew passed into spirit on July 6, 1993, a date which is also my birthday. Strangely, or maybe, quite naturally, I cherish the idea we share anniversaries: mind being the beginning of my mortal life–his being the beginning of his immortal life. I cherish the idea, not because he is now in spirit (and I am, in a way, free), but rather the coincidence of our lives crossing and diverging as they have is not coincidence. It is Divine Provience. Stephen’s gallery message from Drew on July 20, 2003, only confirms this conviction.
As Stephen teaches, spirits on the other side will look to us for instruction in the same way that we, on this side of the veil, will look to the spirit world for aid and counsel. Whether in the flesh or in the spirit, life continues; and it is the destiny of spirits and mortals, alike, still to meet and still to learn from each other. My merely putting down on paper my recollections of this gallery reading have taught me immensely about myself; and it is my hope that the work I have left to do on this plane may, in some way, help Drew on the spirit plane…that the artistic torch I continue to carry is not for me alone, but for him, too.
My theory is that the people we meet in life are often mirror images of our own selves, mirror images whom we are meant by God to learn things…things not about them but, rather, things about ourselves. This is, I believe, how it was with Drew and me. We learned a lot about ourselves through each other. Some of it was good, and some of it was bad, but we learned, and I hope we grew.
One project, in particular–one upon which Drew and I worked harder than on any other during our literary collaboration–was the topic, I believe, of his message to me on July 20. A concise precis of that message was simply to keep at it, not to give up, and not to let it slip through my fingers. Because of that message, I remain hopeful that artistic success for me on this plane will feel, also for Drew, like artistic success for him on the spirit plane–that the work we did together nad the dreams we shared were not in vain. Literarily, we were wed to simlar tastes and sensibilities. Even though I am now physically alone, Drew is with me, and I love him dearly, in spite of the heartache that ultimately defined our relationship when we were together in this world.
One of the four clues that it was, indeed, Drew speaking to me that Sunday evening, with Stephen as the instrument of communication, was Stephen’s reference to a Russian sounding name. Drew’s first name was Andrew, but he preferred the shortened form Drew, His middle name was Alexander, but he preferred (or affected) the Russian sounding Alexi. Stephen also mentioned ballet slippers , the second clue. Drew was six feet tall, and Stephen emphasized how one would not associate a big man with ballet shoes, but ballet shoes were what Stephen kept seeing. Drew had danced, when he was 18 and first in New York, with the ballet school of a prominent New York-based ballet company. Stephen’s references to the spirit’s Marxist thinking, a third clue, stymied me at first. Recalling, though, the teachings of the somewhat cultish religious sect to which had belonged since childhood, the idea of Socialist-like thinking made logical sense. Lastly, the very dramatic emphasis Stephen placed upon why this spirit with an exceedingly difficult personality was not someone, whom, ideally, I would choose to associate with provided the bittersweet fourth clue that the spirit was my late friend Drew.
Even though I was incredibly frustrated on Friday, August 1, when I was nearly finished with my original, much shorter email to Stephen about this gallery reading from Drew on July 20–only to see the text vanish into thin air from the screen because my finger had apparently brushed a key whose power I did not understand–I feel incredibly grateful and blessed today as I finish this longer version (safely written to a “floppy”) because this second draft is an infinitely more thorough and comprehensive examination, not only of Stephen’s gallery reading from Drew, but also for my relationship and, even more significantly, of my relationship with myself. Yes, Drew probably is “to blame” for my first, aborted attempt to share the experience of the gallery reading; however, if he is to blame, he did it out of unconditional love for my me and my greater good, convincing me unequivocally that our paths were meant to meet on this plane and in the next.
Peter, 2003