Online Live Courses

Testimonies About Stephen’s Teaching:
I just wanted to say that I’m absolutely loving your mediumship classes, you are a genuinely kind and supportive teacher with enormous knowledge. Your energy helps create a very comfortable and safe environment within the group. I’m loving it so much I want to continue ongoing with this group and perhaps enter into a couple of other classes.
Bronte, Sydney, Australia.

The “Channeling Higher Levels of Light” that Stephen Hermann taught yesterday was AMAZING! I was one of students on Zoom and I felt that we got every bit as much out of the class and possibly more… instead of one-on-one healing practice sessions the “zoomers” went in breakout rooms and did remote healing practice sessions. It was so powerful and emotional. This class and the information Stephen has taught us has given me tools to take my healing work to the next level. I am forever grateful!

Jennifer, Texas, USA.

My daughter and I went to two classes in Cassadaga this week and we were blown away!

Victoria J., Florida, USA.

Thank you for the best retreat ever...

Cindy C., Massachusetts, USA.

I took a mediumship development class with Steve Hermann about six years ago at a Spiritualist camp in midcoast Maine. It was the single, most powerful class I’ve ever taken. When he speaks of the building energy in a good group meditation he knows what he’s talking about! I had never nor have I since felt such dynamic energy passing through and between a sitting class. Super powerful!

Gainor V., Maine, USA.

Your workshop was brilliant and every single person present appreciated it, especially me, as it helped me tremendously to finally move forward again. 

Anne T., Hawera, New Zealand.

Steve is a very sensitive, humorous teacher. He tries to help everyone in a way that we all felt comfortable. Very uplifting, and no one was left outside. 

Bernie M., Basil, Switzerland.

After the teachings of Mr. Steve Hermann, I have got the feeling that I have made a step ahead in knowledge.

Carlo C., Paris, France

The workshop on Trance/Channeling was the best workshop I have ever attended! The guided meditations brought new sensations and experiences! I learned so much and I am looking forward to many more workshops with you! Thank You,

Janet M., Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Study  Mediumship in the comfort of your own home…


Cosmic Mediumship



Progressive Mediumship Course

6 Weeks starting

Monday, February 24, 2025.

90 minutes each session

6 PM PST, 7 PM MT, 8 PM CT, 9 PM EST


Register Today 

Limited Spaces

Course includes lectures and discussions, powerful guided meditations, experimental exercises, weekly homework assignments, spiritual assessments and detailed, practical input for overcoming blocks, and receiving higher guidance and teachings from advanced guides and masters in the spirit world. Learn about past life mediumship, Ascended Masters, Astral cities in the spirit world, channeling techniques, and much more. If you have a foundation in traditional, evidential based mediumship you will love and greatly benefit from the content of this course. The outstanding individualized instruction from one of the world’s leading teachers of mediumship make this course invaluable.


Progressive Course

Special Online

Evidential Mediumship Mastery 

Development Circle

with Internationally Acclaimed Medium
Stephen Hermann
 6 Weeks
starting March 25, 2025.
90 minutes each session
6 PM PST, 7 PM MT, 8 PM CT, 9 PM EST
Register Today
Limited Spaces
This course is appropriate for participants
at all levels of experience.
Course includes lectures and discussions, powerful guided meditations, experimental exercises, weekly homework assignments, spiritual assessments and detailed, practical input for overcoming blocks and receiving ultra specific information from recognizable spirit communicators. The outstanding individualized instruction from one of the world’s leading teachers of mediumship make this course invaluable.




Evidential Remote Viewing Mediumship


Six Week Progressive Mediumship Online Course

with Internationally Acclaimed Teaching Medium and Author
 Stephen Hermann
Tuition $300.
 6 PM Pacific, 9 PM Eastern.
Remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance is the ability to receive impressions about a distant or unseen location. It is an aspect of mediumship that may be successfully utilized within the framework of providing highly detailed, evidential information. If you are interested in expanding your abilities as a medium, then you will want to attend this powerful online course with internationally acclaimed teaching medium and author Stephen Hermann. Why settle for vague or generalized information? Learn proven techniques to receive ultra-specific, factual information from recognizable personalities in the spirit world such as license plate numbers, currency serial numbers and more. Remote viewing as a phase of mediumship is dynamic and effective. This exciting course includes lecture and discussion, meditation and much hands-on, practical exercises. Expect to considerably expand your mediumistic ability. This course is appropriate for students at all levels of experience.
Register Today
Space is extremely limited.
This is a small group.
Participants will receive
much individualized instruction.

Dynamic Physical Mediumship

6 Week Course  

Starting Monday, January 31, 2022.

6 PM Pacific, 7 PM Mountain, 8 PM Central, 9 PM Eastern

$300 Tuition Instructor Permission Required

This advanced course focuses on the development of genuine physical mediumship and the techniques and approaches utilized by physical mediums in the past to enhance their unfoldment. We will examine  methods for deepening altered states of consciousness and directly connecting with spirit chemists. Learn about materialization, etherialization, transfiguration, ectoplasm, levitation, independent and direct voice, independent writing, the use of trumpets and slates, fire tests, illumination and spirit lights, apportation, the use of the cabinet, how to conduct a physical seance, spirit photography, phony physical phenomena and much more. This dynamic course is guaranteed to advance your mediumship significantly.

This Live online course is suitable for participants at all levels of experience.

The Power of Past Life Mediumship
*See Beyond the Limits of Time and Space*
Awaken higher levels of consciousness and mediumistic ability.
Learn how to receive accurate and detailed information about past lives from advanced guides in the spirit world. Experience past life memories and higher soul awareness. This intensive course is unlike any mediumship training that you have ever received and is guaranteed to take your abilities to another level.
Monday’s September 13, 20, 27, October 4, 2021
6 PM Pacific, 7 PM Mountain, 8 PM Central, 9 PM Eastern
Tuition $200
Small Group with Individualized Instruction
Enroll Today





with Internationally Acclaimed 

Medium and Author

Stephen Hermann

Six weeks starting

Monday. January 8, 2024.

6 PM Pacific, 9 PM Eastern

$300 Tuition

Register Today

Join us as we discover and experience proven methods for out of body travel. Journey to the spirit world and connect with higher guides and loved ones for enlightenment and expanded awareness. Learn the mechanics of how to easily and safely project the astral body and travel to the Many Mansions or nonphysical dimensions beyond this material realm. We will use various approaches to inducing out of body travel which will be examined in detail and ample time will be spent practicing the projection of the Astral body on both conscious and unconscious levels.

You will experience practical exercises to obtain the deeper levels of altered consciousness necessary for both successful out of body travel as well as remote viewing. In addition, participants will learn to properly attune to spiritual guardians for assistance in mediumistic development and the cultivation of traveling clairvoyance and astral projection.

Topics to be covered include:

  • The anatomy of the Astral body and utilization of the Astral senses.
  • The relationship between the subtle bodies and mediumistic unfoldment.
  • Traveling clairvoyance or remote viewing.
  • The various planes or levels of the spirit world.
  • The Astral cities, healing temples and much more.
  • Out of body healing with patients at a distance.

This course includes lectures and discussions, powerful guided meditations, experimental exercises, spiritual assessments and detailed, practical input for overcoming blocks. The outstanding individualized instruction with Steve will bring you valuable tools for your mediumship toolbox and take your skills and abilities to new levels of excellence.



Bored Inside Because of the Virus?
Evidential Remote Viewing 
Progressive Mediumship Online Workshop
with Internationally Acclaimed Teaching Medium and Author
 Stephen Hermann
Saturday, April 23, 2022.
Tuition $79.
Workshop is 150 minutes duration. 
9:30 AM Pacific, 10:30 AM Mountain, 11:30 AM Central, 12:30 PM Eastern
Remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance is the ability to receive impressions about a distant or unseen location.
It is an aspect of mediumship that may be successfully utilized within the framework of providing highly detailed, evidential information. If you are interested in expanding your abilities as a medium, then you will want to attend this powerful online workshop with internationally acclaimed teaching medium and author Stephen Hermann. Why settle for vague or generalized information? Learn proven techniques to receive ultra-specific, factual information from recognizable personalities in the spirit world such as license plate numbers, currency serial numbers and more. Remote viewing as a phase of mediumship is dynamic and effective. This exciting workshop includes lecture and discussion, meditation and much hands-on, practical exercises. Expect to considerably expand your mediumistic ability. This workshop is appropriate for students at all levels of experience.
Register Today
Space is extremely limited.
This is a small group.
Participants will receive
much individualized instruction.




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